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Wrong Again

I tried to get this pepper identified earlier and ended up taking a small bite to see if it was hot to help with the ID. The lid is from a gallon of milk for a size reference.


Well I kind of cheated. I cut a very small piece off of the bottom and ate it. No heat so I thought it was a Cachucha since they have no heat. Here's the prior thread: http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=7552

This morning I was slicing a few prior to hanging them and when I did this one I got a good whiff and it had that "heat" smell. So this time I found my nerve and sliced off a quarter of it, seeds and placenta include, and popped it into my mouth. It isn't a Cachucha. Took a few seconds of chewing and not much more before the heat hit. Doing this on an empty stomach less than an hour after getting out of bed I did the sissy thing and spit it out. Took about 10 minutes or so before the heat dissipated.

So I'm back looking for some help trying to ID this thing. The seeds came from Peppermania and I've already sent Beth an email soliciting her assistance too.

Thanks everyone.
so how hot is it compared to other varieties of peppers, like a cayenne or orange habanero?
my first punt would be bonnet / maybe crossed. I was very disappointed in the heat of a scotch bonnet, but things were getting cool when it ripened. Growing conditions play a large part in the heat.

Most of the time it seems you don't know what you have until the next generation comes good.
Thanks for the picture chilehunter, we were pretty sure it wasn't a congo trinidad already and your pic confirms it.

AJ it isn't as hot as an orange hab but close. I've never eaten a cayenne so I can't compare. I'm beginning to think it's a misplaced seed or it is indeed a cross. I'm going to keep a few seeds and see what happens next year with them.

Thanks for the help guys, it is appreciated.

ps, very cool picture chilehunter.