wanted WTB: Clavo Red plant

Pookie i should have a couple of plants for you considering you gifted me some of these seeds in the Secret Satan Xmas box but i never got the chance to start seeds this year. i also received other seeds to some nice peppers from other members here but didn`t start them this year. i haven`t forgotten this and it`s my mission to grow them next year. 
I know this website, that has a bunch of info on starting peppers and keeping them alive. I can't remember what it was called though... Maybe Thehotpepper.com?

Seriously though, what happened to your starts? Get a glog going next time so we can help out. Boss man should have pepper plants.

And if you wanna grow something besides clack red, I can send you some plants. I have an extra pdn x bmj from Paul G. Very beautiful plants and tasty peppers