wanted WTB: Ghost Pepper Seeds (Variety)

Hey guys, haven't been around for a while - personal stuff got in the way of growing peppers. Anyway, I tried to start some seeds that I had from previous years last year but my success rate was abysmal. I think it was because my seeds were a few years old.
I am looking to put several rows of peppers out on some land that I have available, and have decided to try and focus on ghost pepper varieties. If anyone has interesting seeds for sale, please let me know. Looking to buy 20(ish) seeds from 5 or so varieties. Figure if I only had a 50% success rate I would still get 5 ten plant rows that way.
Some of the ones I want to try are: Copenhagen, white and Jay's peach.
Thanks for reading!
Sawyer, I would definitely be interested in 15-20 of those seeds. Let me know how much and who to PP!
Sawyer said:
If you think you'd be interested in some red ghosts with an interesting provenance, I have seeds for these available:


Or if you'd rather have plants, I'll have those, too, when the time comes.
Thanks everyone. Ordered 4 different varieties from Justin. Having trouble finding whites, gonna give the eBay mystery pepper lottery a try, I guess.
Grew some whites a few years ago that made the, no joke, best chili seasoning I have ever tried. Saved seed, but they just would not germinate. The few that did didn't produce. Probably super unstable, but they were good!
Just gotta say, Sawyer's pepper candy is better than I expected and I expected it to be good! If you haven't tried it, you need to. Its fantastic!
Oss said:
Just gotta say, Sawyer's pepper candy is better than I expected and I expected it to be good! If you haven't tried it, you need to. Its fantastic!
Thanks, Scott. I hope your seeds, from all sources, grow well for you.
I've got some red ghost I grew last year, and I think I have some chocolate and some of the smooth white skin ghost as well if you're interested. I'm right below you in SC, I could send them out tomorrow.