wanted WTB: Pods

Hey guys, I am getting ready to start a new round of review videos on various pods, and I am looking for a few. Below are the specific pods, but feel free to offer others that I may not have tried: I am looking for unusual/exotic strains.

Hot Lemon Drop
Peter Pepper
Black Naga
Trinidad Perfume
Peach Bhut
White Hab

plus any other rare/unusual varieties.

Since I am buying small amounts of each variety, I would prefer to buy multiple types from 1 person.

Guys, due to the nature of this buy, I am really looking to buy from people that have multiple strains. If it comes to it though, I'll PM you guys.
PM me, Jake, I got at least a few of the ones you listed, plus a bunch of other not-so-common varieties. I have a good range of superhots, mid-hots, sweets, and milds as well. I grew 46 varieties this year, so there is a good array of stuff! Out of your list, I have the Peach Bhut and Lemon Drop, plus the White/Yellow Bullet Habanero (I've heard it called both, mine look the same but ripen to a super-light yellow as opposed to "true white", though I have never really seen a "white" pod turn that color anyway).
Not to get off topic, but who says pods can't ripen a true white? :)


Hey JHR,

I have a few on your list in the OP (Aji Lemon Drop / Trinidad Perfume / White Bullet Hab). You can check out my grow list in my profile for any others you may be interested in.
