WTF is this?

Bubblegum 7 pod has this stuff on leaves, and is dropping them and flowers. Any idea what it is?
Dropping flowers does not necessarily have anything to do with the hairy stuff. Not only pubescenses have hairs on them. 
ErolDude said:
Dropping flowers does not necessarily have anything to do with the hairy stuff. Not only pubescenses have hairs on them. 
It's the only plant I have that has those hairs though. It's also dropping the little leaves that are covered in them too.
Bubblegum 7 pod has this stuff on leaves, and is dropping them and flowers. Any idea what it is?

saw those before the mites/aphids ...

have AzaMax on the ready ...

it looked like those tiny dusting of filaments and the leaves curled down along the vein (like an upside-down sailboat hull), then two days later the little plumpers were all over the newest growth ...
cruzzfish said:
Anyone think it might be broad mites? From farther out the damage sure looks similar.
I was aligned with you ... aphids/mites always comes together here ... with the ant herder's and the spiders that roll up the leaves and make the little cave-hammock's ...
I would look closer with higher magnification. If it's mites, use micronized sulfer dust. I used it dry. Get a good bulb duster or for bigger areas the Dustin mizer works excellent. FYI, sulphur should not be used within so many days after an oil spray or in temps 90+
grantmichaels said:
saw those before the mites/aphids ...

have AzaMax on the ready ...

it looked like those tiny dusting of filaments and the leaves curled down along the vein (like an upside-down sailboat hull), then two days later the little plumpers were all over the newest growth ...
Is AzaMax safe for use on fruiting plants?
cruzzfish said:
Is AzaMax safe for use on fruiting plants?
It's vegetable-based and can be used for organic farming - although I realize that's not exactly what you asked, so YMMV ...
I didn't use it, then.
azamax can be used right up to harvest though I probably would use it like a week before and wash any fruit prior to eating... but i'm also allergy riddled and a germophobe 

Could it be a accidental cross with something like goatsweed? How does the fruit look?