• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WxTony 2014 Glog; Let's do this!

I figured I should start one of these. Since I keep detailed notes, might as well keep them on here too. A big thanks go Judy for giving me a big box o'peppers to eat and save some seeds from. 
This year I am planning on growing:
Bishop's Crown 
MOA Scotch Bonnet (Thanks: Hillbilly Jeff for seeds)
Peach Bhut
Peach Hab
White 7 pot
Antilles  Fire (Thanks smileyguy)
Choc Scorpion (Thanks smileyguy)
From AjiJoe (Thanks Joe):
Aji Amarillo
Yellow Thai
St Lucia Red Season
Lotah Bih
Bahamian Goat pepper
Brazilian Sandollar
I have 3 plants that I am overwintering: Serrano, Red Bell, and a New Mexico 6-4.
I planted a round of seeds, sans the ones from AjiJoe, in Jiffy pots on 1/5 and I had to leave for a workshop the next day for a few days. When I returned I had a Bishop's Crown up and a few other hooks. The next day, 1/12, I moved them out of the covered germination box and put them under a light. 
As of tonight I have had 100% germination for the MOA (2/2), peach bhut (3/3), and fatalii (2/2). I also have one Bishop's Crown, Choc. Scorpion, and White 7pot. Still no germination for the Jalapeno, Cayenne, Datil, and the Antilles Fire. I planted 1 more seed in a Jiffy pot tonight for these that did not germinate yet.
I am concerned about my light setup. I am using 1 6500 K 15W CFL on a lamp that can be moved vertically to be close to the seedlings. Is it enough light to sustain the plants for a few months before they go outside? Should I add another light?

More updates to come.
Nice mild-wild list! You'll definitely need more light to sustain them as they grow. It already looks like your sprouts are getting leggy and trying to reach for the light you have.
I had an 18 inch T8 florescent light that wasn't being used and so I put it in a box with tin foil. Then placed the plants in them to help. Hope this works better than the other light. 

a 2ft t8 puts about as much light as a 23w CFL. You are probably going to need more light still, especially when they get a little bigger. 3 months is a long time and your plants will be big, you'll need like 4x23w CFL, or 2x4ft t8 atleast.
Usually you put the light over the plants or they might start growin sideways toward the light. (if that's how it is in 1st picture then good lol. can't relaly tell)
It has been a week or so since my last update, so I figured I would share some progress. First I added a 2x4' T8 light that should hopefully be enough to get these little guys going.
Germination rates, as of Jan 25 are:
0/2 Jalapeño    1/3 Datli    2/3 Antilles  Fire    2/3 Peach Hab    2/2 W. 7 Pot    2/2 Peach Bhut    2/2 MOA Scotch Bonnet
1/2 Cayenne    2/2 Fatali (lost one due to severe helmet head)   2/2 Bishop's Crown (lost one due to severe helmet head)
These below have been in Jiffy pots for 1 week. 
0/2  Bahamian Goat pepper    0/2 Aji Amarillo    0/2 Yellow Thai    0/2 St Lucia Red Season    0/2 Lotah Bih    0/2 Brazilian Sandollar
Current Setup:


P. Bhut

Bishop's Crown (Leggy):


W. 7pot:

Choc. Scorpion:

It has been a while since I updated this. So I thought I would update it today. This morning I transplanted all seedlings into their 5 gal containers. They are now outside! Given how it has warmed up here in West Texas I think I am good. Cool nights are pretty much a thing of the past and we are going to hit 90 degrees on Thursday.
There are 17 different types I am growing are listed above plus I added a chocolate scorpion. I think my best looking pepper so far is the MOA scotch bonnet. Thanks again for MOA seeds HillBilly Jeff!

Due to cold weather the next two days, the peppers have to spend the next few nights and probably all day Monday in the garage. I guess I was one week off with the last freeze. Poor peppers. 
May 10th update:
They are all doing well. High winds for a few days tattered some leaves, but they seem to not be concerned with it. Also I am having a little aphid problem that I am taking care of. The overwintered Serrano has set pods already and is blooming like crazy. My Aji Amarillo has one flower on it as well.  I need to space them out more and hope for more rain. 
Aji Amarillo flower:


Pods have arrived! I have been dealing with some flower drop probably due to some thrips and the heat, but I am excited as the annuums have really podded up. Apparently,  I am also dealing with a herbicide issue. Seems common this year since other members have been dealing with it as well. 
Brazilian Starfish:



White 7-pot:

MOA Scotch Bonnet:


Saw this guy chilling in a spaghetti squash flower:
     Lookin good. You plants sure blew up since your last post! That's how I do my glog, too - space my updates out really far apart so the plants show big changes each time. Sorry to hear about the herbicide damage. It has kicked my ass the last two years. Keep pinching off all the weird looking shoots and your plants will continue to look awesome!
Yeah, it is crazy how they took off. I thought that area would be enough for them, but I am trying to find more space now. Hopefully, they will grow out of it. Thanks.