Xtreme Gardening

The calcarb really intrigues me. It seems too good to be true. Throw away your CO2 generators and just spray your plants.
So question about this Mykos I just ordered... since the plants are getting better nutrients and they're growing to their fuller potential, are the pods more flavorful and hotter?
So you just "like" their facebook page and then email them asking for an Xtreme care package? If their still doing it I would love to get in on this.
So you just "like" their facebook page and then email them asking for an Xtreme care package? If their still doing it I would love to get in on this.

Whats there email? I cant find it i liked there facebook page and i sent them a message on there website but i would also like to send an email. Any idea?

And i would too this stuff apparently is really good and for free? Yeahh buddy.
Nice score. Be careful using the root hormone though. When you use it the plants will stop growing because a lot of the focus will be on roots so you think the plants are stunned, but once the roots get a nice thick ball bam the plants grow a really fast after that. If your close to OC I have a huge trash can of aged black gold that I can't use. It's a good top off your soil.
The Azos isn't actual rooting hormone, it's just a bacteria inoculate that fixes Nitrogen, and it is good with clones and transplants because it allows the roots to get nitrogen really well, if you pull up clover, you can see little tiny, I think white balls on some of the roots, which is just small colonies of nitrogen fixing bacteria, I never thought to actually look, but my microbiology professor showed us one day when we had some extra time for lab, but the Azos is that.

So question about this Mykos I just ordered... since the plants are getting better nutrients and they're growing to their fuller potential, are the pods more flavorful and hotter?

I guess so, if the plant can grow better.. but then again, I think it is more of a "cut time off of growing" and allow for better uptake of nutrients with a smaller space, so really in a smaller pot, the plant can take up more nutrients than it would otherwise, and once you get them in the ground.. then the plant can really take off and utilize everything it has.. and if that happens to make the fruit taste better then good, as far as heat, I have been reading and as far as I know, stress/heat is a main factor for heat.. which is kind of counter productive for plant growth I would think

So you just "like" their facebook page and then email them asking for an Xtreme care package? If their still doing it I would love to get in on this.

I got mine, well at this point about 3 weeks ago, but I would think it is worth a shot, I haven't seen anything saying they have stopped, and for good reason too, because I bet that a majority of the people they give packages to, will buy something else from them.. I know I will use the Mykos and Azos from now on, it's really good stuff, and I am pretty skeptical about crap like that, or if it doesn't end up being as good as it says, then I usually say, "screw it" and just don't get it again, but not the case with these products..

and the email I found in a post on their FB page from.. well now it would be a few months ago, but they should have the email of the guy.. here I will just link it here.

here you guys go, his email gets JAMMED packed.. so prepare to wait about a month before getting a reply.. maybe sooner, but I wouldn't doubt if it would take that long
i got the care package too havent used it yet i will today when I transplant the rest of my plants
Holy crap, they sent you all of those XNutrients too?? that is crazy, and as far as the $$ value, you can check all of it out on their site, but I would venture to say it is over $150 (maybe $200) worth of stuff probably.. they sent me about $100 worth of stuff
oops forgot to post that it is 3 different packages, one from xnut, one from extreme and the other from roots organics
I was about to say too, They Sent you alot, but were the Xnut and Root Organics free too? and Congrats its time for some Xtreme gardening
The root organics was free for a time then they got bombarded with request that now they created three different pack depending on how your going to grow at $20 or $30 for each one I was unlucky and had to pay, but worth it with everything they send you with each box you 7 16oz and 8 oz bottles (Buddha Grow, Buddha Bloom, Trinity Catalyst, Extreme Serene, Ancient Amber, HP2 Liquid Bat Guan, HPK Bloom Booster) and a packet of organismxl.
Ha, mine came today too. Same kit as Mr. Stalin and the others. I'm going to hold off using it until I start another batch of seeds to do a side by side comparison.
Keep in mind folks, nothing is a miracle additive, proper plant care is the most essential part here. Nothing sent in the mail will make you a master gardner.

Patience and knowledge will take you further than any supplement.