Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain From The Pepper Geek
In this video I share a Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain with Jon Burlock also known as Megahot on the THP, or The Italian 356 on Facebook.
I purchased a box of these from Stephen Canaday also known as The Peppergeek or Ignite on THP. 
I found this pepper to have a great citrusy flavor but wasn't impressed by the heat. I  had hoped for a hotter pod but I did get a great flavor so can't complain much.
You can order pods from Stephen at:
Thanks for the review James and Megahot! My yellow brainstrain peppers just don't seem to have the heat this year that they should have. The plants are huge and produce those relatively large pods, but the heat just isn't where it needs to be. The flavor is really good though. My other plants are really putting out some heat...just not these.

Sorry the heat let you down, but I'm glad you enjoyed the flavor.

ArkansasJack said:
Great review James and megahot.................
Thanks Jack
OKGrowin said:
2 hiccuping idiots lolololol made me laugh so hard
First of all: Exactly why are you checking out my video's and then calling us idiots? 
You don't have to watch my video's. You can take your comment and shove it right up your ass.
It seems to me that if you take the time to call 2 people you don't know idiots then it makes me think you're the idiot. lololol
Smokin James said:
First of all: Exactly why are you checking out my video's and then calling us idiots? 
It seems to me that if you take the time to call 2 people you don't know idiots then it makes me think you're the idiot. lololol
oh, i consider myself and idiot when i'm just sitting there hiccuping and can't stop.
It's the first thing that came to my mind and i don't mean it offensively.
I enjoy watching your videos.
*kinda like if you were with your friend and he grabs his beer and says "watch this" and jumps off a boat going 40mph i would say "all board the train to idiotville" or something like that, but you don't really think he's an idiot just joking around*
*or like the fire breathing idiot, he's not an actual idiot but it goes against social norms to do something that hurts you so i guess that's why he called himself an idiot*
OKGrowin said:
oh, i consider myself and idiot when i'm just sitting there hiccuping and can't stop.
It's the first thing that came to my mind and i don't mean it offensively.
I enjoy watching your videos.
*kinda like if you were with your friend and he grabs his beer and says "watch this" and jumps off a boat going 40mph i would say "all board the train to idiotville" or something like that, but you don't really think he's an idiot just joking around*
*or like the fire breathing idiot, he's not an actual idiot but it goes against social norms to do something that hurts you so i guess that's why he called himself an idiot*
I do apologize for taking offense to it. One of those days today. Thanks for watching! 