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chinense Yellow Bhut Jolokia

I'm new to raising super hots, I'm including some of Dave's yellows with about nine other varieties of super hots, hopefully to include some Butch T's from Neil soon.

I will believe that they are truely bhut jolokias based on the Cheech and Chong Scientific Method (CCSM). "It looks like dog poop, it smells like dog poop, it tastes like dog poop. THEREFORE it's dog poop!" :lol:

I hope I've offered some true scientific proof to help clear up this issue, if anyone else needs my assistance in the future, feel free to contact me for other established principles.

i'm with potawie on this. i don't think dave understands that you can tell whether something is or isn't a hybrid when f2s are grown out.
i've seen pictures of f2 yellow bhuts and there is a noticeable variance in pod shape, size and growing habit. what does that tell you? it's most likely a hybrid.

nothing wrong with hybrids. except that you should label them as such when growing them out until they're stable (9 generations or so). then you get get to come up with a pretty name for them if you'd like, but you really shouldn't until then.

keep the dialogue elevated. and let's have some accountability for the stuff we say over here, there's a lot of new people always coming into this forum, and we shouldn't be giving out inaccurate data when we can actually be a tad more specific and spread the knowledge all around.