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Yellow Bonnet or ???

Trying to figure out what these are.. Found them in a local grocery, mixed with and sold as Habanero. Attached the picture as a file. Thanks for any insights. 
I apologize if you already told me, but how Bonnetacious do they taste?

Ever grown Scotch Bonnet "Longs?" Color aside, they don't look like Scotch Bonnets, but the flavor is right.  The same can be said of the Saraga Bonnets, although i feel like the flavor is less "right."
My experience with Bonnets is lacking. These tasted a lot like habanero with a hint a citrus involved. They were fairly tasty, but not the most fruity pepper I've had. So far I think that title belongs to those Carolina Reapers last year. Outside of these, and the giant orange ones I just got at the same store, I'm having trouble trying to remember ever eating Bonnets before. 
My real journey with peppers just began last year, and I have a lot of variety types and even species I've yet to sample.. Probably why I'm growing so many varieties this year. Once I find the few that I'm looking for, I'll probably focus mainly on those. 
I was talking with the produce manager today about these and he said they are "technically scotch bonnets" and believed to be sourced from somewhere in the Dominican Republic. Not really finding any wholesale pepper places in a google search that hail from there. 

These are the other types of this variety I collected.. Typical store Habaneros left in for comparison. 21 grams was about average weight of these.

CMJ said:
Looks like a regular grocery store "hab" to me. Actually a cross called a Spartacus, I believe. Not certain, just my opinion.
That definitely looks like a match for the Orange types.. Biggest Chinense I've come across in the markets here. Our typical ones are more like the really small ones you can see in the one picture.. 7-8 grams, or even less at times.
It'll be fun to see what kind of pods I get from growing all three types out.  I'm toying with the idea of renting a plot out for this kind of project, but I think it's going to be the "Caroline Reaper Ghost" I do it with this year.. Another market pepper that seems like an unstable cross. Most were hotter than the Carolina Reapers I grew, and one was the hottest pepper I've ever eaten. 
