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Yellow Brainstrain vs Yellow Moruga

Hi guys just trying to decide which one of these to grow based on flavour. Grow both? Nup already growing more than I can fit lol

Heard good things about both of these varieties, what I'm looking for is strong but enjoyable flavours. Opinions and experiences appreciated. Cheers
Id go with Moruga, they have better flavor should be slightly more productive. This is just based on my own opinion of course. Good luck and have fun growing!
Personally, my brainstrains are producing a lot better than morugas, but that is all situational- Moruga has a better flavor profile. 
For me these 2 are very similar. Last 2 years growing both of them pod shapes were close, yellow moruga Scorpion has seemed to have a stronger flavor thN the brain strain, but the brain strain has seemed a touch hotter. For in 2 seasons growing the brain strain has been more productive. They are both outstanding and cannotgo wrong with whichever you choose.
Thanks for the info guys.

@jcw10tc I will be purchasing from you later in the year but will probably grow those in 2017 season. I'll be planting this seasons seed in September can't wait!