chinense yellow butch T scorpion peppers

Different color expressions are more prominent in the C. chinense gnome than in C. frutescens, C. baccatum with the exception of C. annuum. which might be why one year you have a red TS and the next time you might get a few yellow podded TS the next season. Some expressions can be triggered by a number of reasons. Pods when ripening have several color fazes that they go through depending on several natural factors, greens turning slightly white to yellow then orange and finally red. The amount of sunlight, available water, and amount of minerals and nitrogen all of which can trigger these fazes in pod coloration while ripening along with the amount of carotene, lycopane and sugars the pods may have. Also they cross breed like rabbits Hah!
The Trinidad Scorpion is more stable and less likely to cross than the 7 Pots, When I first grew them they were
very similar, with the 7 looking like a Scorp without a tail, and usually a slightly bigger pod. The 7 will cross at
the drop of a hat, just look at all the different versions out there! Jim's Bt's were purchased from Neil Smith but
may have been crossed later due to a much lower SHU than the BT, with what, who knows? But that is a cool looking
yellow, you need to save and isolate some, if you can, to stabilize the pod! Just as a side note out of 200 Trinidad
Scorpion bt's grown from my seed this year in my graden there was one deviant plant, it was yellow, but totally
different from yours. I'm going to grow and stabilize it too! It had some characteristic's of the Cumari Ou Passarino (flavor, wall thickness, color) that made me think it was a "throwback" pod! Good Luck!

Butch T
Butch,when I read years ago that some one brought some Cumari pods to Open Fields that were supposed to be insanely hot.

I wondered if they might have any relationship to the ones you think might or might not have been what crossed with your Scorpions to possibly make the Butch T.

I read and talked about those Cumari (passarino ?) with Beth and others who said the seeds from those pods that some one brought , never grew as hot a pods as the original Cumari passed out at open fields whenever it was.

It seems you were spreading seeds out for the 7 pot Jonah and Scorpion Jonah about the same time - around 2006 or so I think.
At the time your Scorpion Jonahs you pased out seemed to be the hottest thing anyone ever grew.

I still have the packs from the seeds you sent me back then for both the 7 pot and Scorpion Jonahs.
Seeds too for probably both from grow outs.

I think,in general too many crosses or variations are accepted these days as stable strains or varieties before they have been grown out long enough to really tell.
I remember the Yellow Scorpion FG and all the crap John got when he passed out seeds to let people to grow a bunch of them out to see if they were stable.(He sent seeds out telling people they had to let him know afterwards what the seeds grew.)
All of the pictures and pods that grew from those seeds that I know of were yellow with REALLY long skinny tails.Very distinctive pods.
They grew from seeds that were originally supposed to be regular Scorpions.

It seems like things have gone the other way these days.
It doesn't matter if a strain is stable for more than a generation or two to be accepted as a new variety or strain.
The money involved and quest for worlds hottest has changed things a lot.

It's sad,a new strain or variety used to be something a chili head found as a landrace variety or whatever from some place or another.
Now anything that happens to catch the buyers eye is considered to be stable without more than a few isolated growouts.
They think that a bunch of people growing out the same generation of a seed is as good as isolating a seed for several generations.

Fruit loop Scorpions?Cool. LOL

Google found me this...Answers my question +/-.

Your last post about the Cumari-


Mark was on Gardenweb, but he was on a private (invite only) MSN pepper forum when I got the seeds from him, he acquired them
from another Chili head, from New Jersey also, who supposedly acquired them from Valley View Nursery (I think that was the name of the nursery). As far as seedsavers, I do believe I offered seeds as a member one year, wasn't too much interest back then, I don't recall sending out any seed at all for the Scorpion. As far as the Witch's Tit(Cumari Ou Passarinho), you would have really had to experience the ones that I had to appreciate it, IT IS NOT THE SAME as the ones you get now, it had people on their knees @ open fields, the only other pepper that had that kinda results at Open Fields was the Trinidad Scorpion a couple years later.
I took a few fresh pods to hot pepper night this last monday for everyone to try and I was a bit disappointed. They had a nice yellow taste, but not as much heat as the regular Butch T parents I have. It wasn't a complicated taste, like I found with some of the yellow brains I had earlier this year, which had a combination of red and yellow taste at the same time. The powder has a nice yellow taste and are a bit hotter than the yellow 7 pods I have, so that is good.
Butch, I WILL keep this separate next season. Its in a container and in my greenhouse, so I will have it for next year to move somewhere away from the other plants. They DO have a cool form. I just pulled a couple 100 seeds last night from the pods that had the best form. I have had 3 private messages from people who want a few seeds, and when I get back from a trip to cedar key, I'll put something out to get some SASEs from these guys and get some genetics out. (for those who want to play with them at this stage.) Butch, if you want to try some of these seeds, I'd be happy to send you a batch. I'll try a few seeds myself and see if they all come out yellow again. I wil also probably take a few cuttings that I can keep inside for the winter, just to make sure if I were to lose this parent plant.
The Trinidad Scorpion is more stable and less likely to cross than the 7 Pots, When I first grew them they were
very similar, with the 7 looking like a Scorp without a tail, and usually a slightly bigger pod. The 7 will cross at
the drop of a hat, just look at all the different versions out there! Jim's Bt's were purchased from Neil Smith but
may have been crossed later due to a much lower SHU than the BT, with what, who knows? But that is a cool looking
yellow, you need to save and isolate some, if you can, to stabilize the pod! Just as a side note out of 200 Trinidad
Scorpion bt's grown from my seed this year in my graden there was one deviant plant, it was yellow, but totally
different from yours. I'm going to grow and stabilize it too! It had some characteristic's of the Cumari Ou Passarino (flavor, wall thickness, color) that made me think it was a "throwback" pod! Good Luck!

Butch T
Send me your seeds oh wise one. :) Never mind, think I have too damn many plants for an urban grower!