chinense Yellow, Chocolate, White Carolina Reaper?

Give a google to Yellow Carolina Reaper and you will likely find the same stuff I did.  Most notably, a video pod review that clams the yellow carolina reapers came from Jim Duffy.  So we have Butch Taylor discovering a chocolate Carolina Reaper and now we have Jim Duffy putting out a yellow Carolina Reaper.  These are both very respected names in the industry.

Has anyone heard of a white Carolina Reaper yet?
On Facebook Mr.Currie announced he has these:ch.,yellow and white.Check him out on Facebook!read it for yourself.Duffy probably got his seeds from the Europeans as did Dale Baker he is selling or about to start selling yellow reaper.I'm currently growing a few yellow reaper myself.From the Europeans of course.
The only person I remember getting bashed was DB. Who was trying to push a choco scorp as The New "Chocolate Reaper".
I don't care, I just want a true yellow Serrano. 20 new colors of supers every year and I can't get a friggen yellow serrano.  
Semillas, with many of the red Carolina Reapers looking so much like the red Primo I kind of suspected a yellow would be a yellow primo.  The thing that baffles me is naming convention.  It -seems- that if a person takes Yellow Pepper X, crosses it with Red Pepper Y, and it looks like a red version of Pepper X then it gets named Red Pepper X despite being a cross of X and Y.  Kind of like when people insisted rabbits were rodents because they looked like rodents.
Hogleg, I did read the THP thread where Mr. Currie told Mr. Baker it was a chocolate scorpion.  But have read much the same elsewhere and not just on unusual reaper pods.  Trash talking on someone who thinks they have a new pepper is kind of a tradition.  Hell, look at the grief given to Mr. Curry over the reaper before Guinness confirmed the tests.  Then, after Guinness announced, the trashing turned to the claim that Carolina Reaper was a renamed Primo.  People seem to love trash talking on anything new.  It is really weird.  I see something new and think, cool something else to play with.
Its true a lot of bashing goes on. I believe its do to a majority of nuckers who are passionate about money or fame, and are willing to lie or misrepresent for it. Its a shame cause it does take from the honorable discoveries til' they are proven.
With that said there are two seed purveyors that I have the most respect for, Judy and Peter have proved time and time again that they are passionate about the peppers above everything, including the payout. There are other great seed sellers, but these two's no bullshit approach is commendable. 
wouldn't say duffy is respected by people in the trade.
I'm sure there are color variations but really hard to prove authenticity of anything. It's one persons word vs another. Peter's post is a good example.
At this point i'm starting to reel myself back from all the "latest! new! unstable!" stuff and only growing stuff once they are stable and proven a few years then getting seed from the source of the cross or agencies/businesses with good practices and guarantee their seed is what they are selling like cpi, cardi, semillas, and others.
whew ! thats good to know , guess i got me some yeller reapers ! woohoo !

And this is why I avoid the pink purple caramel Orange yellow green blah blah blah BS! Whatever the "flavour" of the month is some vendor will have a new colour. Reminds me of the Dutch tulip craze.
Juanitos - I have never had anything but good experiences with Jim Duffy.  Seems like a stand up guy. Have read many dealers bashed that I have had nothing but good experiences with.  Maybe I am just lucky.  That or people feel sorry for this old broken down hippie and give him a good shake.

On new and unstable peppers, I frigging love them!  We are usually talking five or ten bucks for a pack of seeds.  Well worth it to play with something new.  Sometimes they work out.  Sometimes they don't.  I definitely respect and understand your opinion.  Sometimes folk have limited space or time, they dont want to waste it on an unknown. Other time folk dedicate their space, time, and other resources to growing for either pods or seeds.   I just really dig the unknown, the happy surprises and even the not so happy surprises. 

Have a small pepper Frankenstein right now, hot and bitter as can be.  No clue what the thing is.  Should have been something else.  Forget where I got the seeds.  Might start sending it out with mixed boxes, asking folk if I should save the seeds and grow on.  As is, well I think yuck.  But still, it was fun finding out.

RobStar said:
And this is why I avoid the pink purple caramel Orange yellow green blah blah blah BS! Whatever the "flavour" of the month is some vendor will have a new colour. Reminds me of the Dutch tulip craze.
So you won't be in line for my Amazing Technicolor Rainbow Unicorn Reaper?  Dude, I promise you this thing will make you fart rainbow glitter that smells like cotton candy.