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Yellow ghosts

Hi All,

Was given a few seeds from a friend over here in Oz and they turned out to be yellow ghost peppers. Just curious if these are common at all? I've only ever seen red ghost peppers.

Could it be a morph as such of the red ones? She does swear by them being true yellow and not some fluke as she's grown a few batches now. I've just started to attempt to grow my one so fingers crossed they sprout.
I'll work on getting some pics of them up asap.

they could turn red if there near a red one and cross with it, red is a more dominant gene and thus would most likely be red

yes the yellow bhut is quite common
i have noticed it dosnt seem to be quite as hot as the other color variations of bhut

thanks your mate Joe
Cheers guys, only reason we thought it was a yellow ghost was it looks identical to the red ones, same style shape etc