Yellow Leaves...too much or not enough N?

In trying to figure out what's wrong with my plants I keep reading what appear to be the same, or at least very similar, descriptions for there being both too much and not enough nitrogen.  A few days ago I put a pretty high nitrogen fertilizer side dressing on a few of my plants whose leaves had turned quite yellow believing they were N deficient, and after 2 days of rain washed it in they are now about 10 times worse looking, with most of the small top leaves and buds having fallen off.
Could someone please clarify what each look like, specifically how they differ?  
Most often yellowing leaves comes from overwatering. Post pics so we can help better.

.... and yes, both excess nitrogen and nitrogen deficiency cause yellowing, as well. It's just that MOST yellowing is caused by overwatering. 
Well, I sure hope its not overwatering because I just had the hose on them for about an hour hoping I could flush out the excess nitrogen if that's what was killing them - don't think it's too much water though - they're in the ground and it hasn't been raining all that much here.  A few plants were even wilting they were so dry.
Then could well be the fertilizer. Most things I've seen suggest to use mulch to draw the N out of the soil, but other than that you just have to wait it out. Some say get a 0-N fertilizer to balance it out.
No. Mulch does not draw N out. Tilling in bark chips or harwood chips and other organic mulches that break down over time will tie up some N but in the long run will be super beneficial. Just use mulch as mulch and not a soil amendment and you will have no issuea.
An hour ? I measued my garden hose and it put out 250 gallons an hour, it takes me 20 min to water over 100 plants through drip emitters