yellow primo?

i purchased these peppers only payed 4.18 in all 2.18 for shipping and 2 for for 1 yellow primo and he sent me all this. 
can anyone identify the really big brow and the little white peppers? and do you think its yellow primo?


BakersPeppers said:
I agree...doesnt look Primo at all...more like yellow Moruga...

Just my Dos Pesos! :)

Dale Jr
i think there probally the primos from refiningchilefire. they look almost identical and identical description
i ate a half and the heat is definitly below 1million! no where near a ghost or a butch t

wahlee76 said:
Where did you buy them? The mid ones look like aribibi gusano/gusanito, but there are some varieties tha look similar.
Otherwise, just ask the vendor.
spot on i looked it up and its definitly it!
i asked the guy and he told me he got them from refining chile fire as yellow primos its very strange that there heat is so low.
im going to grow some real yellow primos and im gona grow these as yellow morugas for my next season