Yellowing leaves and falling off?

My habs have leaves turning yellow and falling off..
We have had a lot of rain lately, are they drowning?

Been doing a lot of reading, i will post pics tomorrow morning....
Sure sounds like it , east coast has been wetter than prior years , even with my plants in containers it's been hard keeping them dry . June was a record breaker for a lot of areas . July has been kinder to my plants here in NYC , they've grown quite a bit in just one week . Good luck man , mother nature can be a real ... Well you know :p
Here are the yellowing leaves that have fallen off...
yeah too much water will make the bottom leaves drop, doesn't affect the plant if it's big but it'd stunt the growth if it's only that small

mine used to have huge bottom leaves but now it's top heavy cause of all the rain
Thanks guys...Ya know it really helps us beginners to see that we arent something so  simple that freaks us out abut our plants...Yall give me much needed reassurance in this whole growing thing.... :dance:  :dance:
OMG ITS RAINING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What can  I do? I mean even covering them isnt going to  I doomed?


From what I see in your pictures, they still have some nice green growth, so all is not for naught.  Not sure which part of the country you're in, but the excessive heat we've been experiencing will help with their growth.  Mine have shot up in the past week, and I'm seeing pods with just one week of heat.  As much as I hate it, I'm praying for another week of over 90's, then we should be good.  One hint someone gave me is to create a dirt mound around the plant (highest part touching the stem, and sloping downward from there) so when it rains the water can run off (and not pool) around the stems.  Hope this helps!
Your plants look better than mine did when mine got poured on for days. I got a lot of yellowing. But being on the east coast (Florida), when the rain was over and the heat came back they dried out quick.
I used a liquid tomato fertilizer next time I watered and soon enough lots of fresh dark green new growth on all of the tops of the plants.
Kwest13 said:
Your plants look better than mine did when mine got poured on for days. I got a lot of yellowing. But being on the east coast (Florida), when the rain was over and the heat came back they dried out quick.
I used a liquid tomato fertilizer next time I watered and soon enough lots of fresh dark green new growth on all of the tops of the plants.
I am on the east coast as well, NC..
I may try some tomato fert..but I have been using seaweed and fish emulsion, they seem  to do well on it..Should I get a different fertilizer?
I am using 3-2-3 at the moment organic...
Pepper-Guru said:
Just let them be. Were getting a lot of rain right now. They look great
+1. We are getting flooded in Ohio too. Most of my plants are dropping the bottom leaves.
I was told by a professional landscaper the other day to be sure to increase the fertilizer usage during this wet period. All the rain washes it right out of the soil.