Yellowing leaves

Have a cayennepepper plant that is turning its leaves yellow. Any idea why? Its watered to perfection, and food and nutritions once a week. Never older soil than 6 - 8 weeks. Its pretty hot these days, around 27-30 ish and long days. Sunlight from 04 - 22! Dont get why she is yellowing her leaves. The plnt is covered in pods, flowers, and ripe pods....
Nitrogen. If you are certain you aren't overwatering, up the NPK a little and make sure the soil or your ferts have all the micronutrients. Also, are you really repotting every 6 weeks? The soil takes a little while to build up it's ability to exchange nutrients with the plant roots, so fresh out of the bag soil is not necessarily the greatest thing (search for "Cation Exchange Capacity" and "Soil Electrical Conductivity"). 
Yes, on the ones in the front of the house. They get some sort of dirt aphids that I dont like and my only way to overcome them without using chemicals is by changing the soil :O I never clean the roots, and leave the rootball soil etc. Dont know why, but they bug the hell out of the plants with the afternoon sun
looks like maybe over watering to me although you say it isn't.... I don't know why you would swap soils every 6-8 weeks. Seems like alot of headache. I've transplant shock but this doesn't really look like that.
Since I get some aphids that live in the soil on the spanish pepper plants, and the only way to get them away is to change the soil. And they only live in the soil, not on the plant. I always let my plant somewhat wilt before watering them. I have to rule out overwatering! And they have good access to oxygen through numerous draining holes, as well as sidewall holes. And soil being 25/25/50 perlite, soil/bark, peat 

So I gave it a good dose of bio bact and see if it is nitrogen or not.....

It contains:
Fungi: Penicillum brevi-compactum, Aspergillus versicolor
Yeast fungi: Rhodotorula graminis, Saccharomyces kluvyveri
Bacteria: Bacillus sphaericus, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Micrococcus luteus