I have a few plants developing some yellowing conditions in the leaves. The appearance differs somewhat from plant to plant.
Some taller baccatums and annuums have lower leaves that are yellowing and dropping off (no pic). By "taller" I mean 8" so these are not old leaves. I wonder if this could be from a magnesium deficiency. I have begun a foliar Epsom salts spray.
The pic below shows three plants (top - Bhut Jolokia, left - 7 Pot Yellow, right - Reaper) displaying yellowing in newer growth. The yellowing is more solid in the 7 Pot versus an irregular pattern of inter vein yellowing in the other two.
I've read some suggestions that these conditions may arise from iron deficiency brought about by high pH. I've also read arguments that pH in containers is of much less an influence than in the ground (which makes sense to me given we pretty much control the delivery of nutrients to plants in containers with our watering regimen).
Growing medium is MG Potting Mix
I try not to over water.
I did soil testing today on the 7 Pot and the Bhut soil. I used the Mosser Lee test kit.
pH 7 Pot 7.5
pH Bhut 6.5
nitrogen - both high
phosphorus - both medium
potassium - both high
As the MG is supposed to have fertilizer I have not fertilized much - only watered with Fish Emulsion (5-1-1) a couple times. (I use Fish Emulsion because I love the smell)
Thoughts on causes? And remedies?
If an iron deficiency what's the simplest way to correct it? And do I need to test for iron levels?
Some taller baccatums and annuums have lower leaves that are yellowing and dropping off (no pic). By "taller" I mean 8" so these are not old leaves. I wonder if this could be from a magnesium deficiency. I have begun a foliar Epsom salts spray.
The pic below shows three plants (top - Bhut Jolokia, left - 7 Pot Yellow, right - Reaper) displaying yellowing in newer growth. The yellowing is more solid in the 7 Pot versus an irregular pattern of inter vein yellowing in the other two.
I've read some suggestions that these conditions may arise from iron deficiency brought about by high pH. I've also read arguments that pH in containers is of much less an influence than in the ground (which makes sense to me given we pretty much control the delivery of nutrients to plants in containers with our watering regimen).
Growing medium is MG Potting Mix
I try not to over water.
I did soil testing today on the 7 Pot and the Bhut soil. I used the Mosser Lee test kit.
pH 7 Pot 7.5
pH Bhut 6.5
nitrogen - both high
phosphorus - both medium
potassium - both high
As the MG is supposed to have fertilizer I have not fertilized much - only watered with Fish Emulsion (5-1-1) a couple times. (I use Fish Emulsion because I love the smell)
Thoughts on causes? And remedies?
If an iron deficiency what's the simplest way to correct it? And do I need to test for iron levels?