Yellowing of lower leaves....

Man...I'm worried about my plants. Suddenly I have yellow leaves on the bottom. First it was one leaf now it's like 3 in one day. (Between 3 6-8 inch plants). Maybe I've over watered them, maybe I'm low on some kind of nutrients. I dunno. But I really don't want them to die. Any suggestions? I would post pics but I'm on my iPhone.
By the way....I'm growing indoors under a light. I haven't fertilized them. I actually bought the plants online. I was having so much trouble keeping seedlings alive I decided to cheat. Lol.
There is not enough light getting to them and I wouldn't worry about it as you have plenty of other leaves good and healthy to photosynthesise 
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Have you got a phone you can install a lux app on.
Would be good to see what sort of reading you getting at top of leaves.
Never thought of that.
So I checked it. Looks like around 10,000 at the top of my plants, roughly. When I check at the same level of height smack in the middle of the led panel I get 20k. Which is the spot right in between all of the plants. I don't have any plant centered with the panel due to space. I've held of water for a couple days to see what happens. Here's some pics I took this morning .
Light is definitely not enough.  For that number of plants - and especially if you're doing eBay/Amazon cheapos, you're going to want a light that's listed at least 300W, preferably 600W. (there is so much more to the subject, but that's keeping it simple) Do you have a fan on those plants?
Just curious why you'd want to grow those plants indoors at this time of year...  The weather in your area should be good to go for outdoors growing...
I'm a newbie to this and thought it would a more easily controlled environment indoors. I do plan on putting one or so outdoors though. Crap!! My light is 45w. LOL!!! I think to day I'm going to plant one out doors. Any suggestions on transplanting them outdoors?
I wouldn't worry so much about transplanting them right now, as just getting them outside, and in recovery mode.  Not to be rude, but you are pretty much set up for failure right now, as it stands.  I'm all for indoor growing with a reason...  But you have free sun right now.  Don't waste that.  However, if you want to do an indoor grow, it might be better for you to raise healthy plants outside, while you study up on what you'll need for indoor growing, in the meantime.
Your ceiling fan definitely won't cut the mustard.
You're not rude at all!! I'll take any advice I can get in any form. Lol. Thanks for responding. I'm going to start putting them out side for sun light from here on out and hopefully they will spring back.