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yellowish leaves

on my fatalii most of the leaves are a yellowish shade of green
and most of the flowers have been aborting

when the flowers abort they either die very early on(turn brown/shrivel up)
or they turn yellow and fall off

what could be causing this?
I would just throw about a tablespoon on top of the dirt next to the plant and water it in...you should see greening up in two-four days
AlabamaJack said:
I would just throw about a tablespoon on top of the dirt next to the plant and water it in...you should see greening up in two-four days

w8, so the epsom salt isn't the problem?

cuz i added a tablespoon of epsom salt a couple weeks ago, and a week before that...and this was occuring even then
if it's not a Magnesium problem it might be low Nitrogen, if you have not fed them in a week or two with fertilizer, do so now.

Also if you can, check the soil pH, it should be around 6.5 to 6.8... If it's too high (Alkaline) add some vinegar and water (Tablespoon per gallon) if it's too low (Acidic) add some Lime like dolomite.

Good luck!
RichardK said:
if it's not a Magnesium problem it might be low Nitrogen, if you have not fed them in a week or two with fertilizer, do so now.

Also if you can, check the soil pH, it should be around 6.5 to 6.8... If it's too high (Alkaline) add some vinegar and water (Tablespoon per gallon) if it's too low (Acidic) add some Lime like dolomite.

Good luck!

i've been giving it bloom booster every 2 weeks...shouldn't that be enough nitrogen?