• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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heat yet again another 'new' worlds hottest!!!!!!

It just spontaneously combusted! HONEST!

.... /sigh.

India has been known about forever, Trinidad varieties were only recently available to export. All superhots are suppose to originate from Trinidad... and just because the Naga Viper is no longer the hottest, out of the blue - or purple should I say, appears this one. Aren't purple naga's a cross breed? This is more than likely only half the heat it claims.

I apologize, couldn't help myself, got bored, decided to do some photo shopping.

I don't endorse this, but I do find it comical.

ANYbody can use photoshop!
I still think in order to claim a record, multiple pods from multiple plants should be tested and get an average. I understand that if any pod gets to a certain heat they claim the "record" but is that really a precise level of heat for that particular species?
I think there would be far less record breaking if you had to go through rigorous tests of multiple pods to claim the prize as hottest. I also think these pods/plants should be done in a non stressed fashion..more of a "natural" environment.
I think this is a late April fools prank or just some joker. No proof or facts and already its successfully gotten people all excited :)
If real, it's probably too hot for me. I'm perfectly happy with the tried and true classics. Looking forward to trying some more varieties though.
Played around with photoshop, I think I found another new pepper! It could be the next big thing!
/note sarcasm.


not far from the truth. I don't want people inventing things but photoshop is always fun when you make it known it is edited.
Based on an orange habanero, simple texture overlay making it resemble a brain strain as I was unable to find the right texture pic for a real brain strain, looks good enough for a temporary boredom cure.
Anybody can get on twitter or facebook and claim a new record. ANYBODY. Until the pepper is tested and recognized by Guinness it's a wanna be. Simple as that.

Here's a bit of text that I copied from the CPI website that I thought quite pertinent at the moment.

Mark Twain famously said "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." The same can be said about the world's hottest chile pepper, it has been greatly exaggerated. The Chile Pepper Institute has had many inquiries about the Naga Viper and other chile peppers that claim to be the world's hottest chile pepper. The Chile Pepper Institute cannot confirm that the Naga Viper or any other chile pepper is the world's hottest, until unbiased, scientific replicated experiments have been done.

The Chile Pepper Institute is research based, and we base all of our information on this principal. What the Chile Pepper Institute can state is that the only extremely hot, commercially available chile pepper is the Bhut Jolokia. The Bhut Jolokia AVERAGED in replicated plots, 1,001,304 Scoville Heat Units. The Naga Viper was a single plant, and is not commercially available, nor has it been tested in replicated trials. To our knowledge, the heat of the Naga Viper was tested from a single plant; it has not been tested in replicated trials. Furthermore, seed of this plant is not commercially available.
I never trust what Guinness says about chile. They have continously been wrong over the years, and even to this day :(
Well the hottest pepper I've ever had was the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper, or as the natives call it the "Merciless Pepper of Quetzalacatenango". it rates at over 100,000SHU! over six times the heat of pure Capsaicin!

Well the hottest pepper I've ever had was the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper, or as the natives call it the "Merciless Pepper of Quetzalacatenango". it rates at over 100,000SHU! over six times the heat of pure Capsaicin!


awesome pepper Omri..can I buy in bulk? lol
Just in case anyone wasn't already convinced, this is a hoax. After a couple hours of digging, I managed to find the original picture which they photoshopped.



Photoshopped to:

So, yeah.
Some time in the last ten minutes they deleted their Twitter account. Pretty funny prank, if a little easy to unearth.