food You Guys Made Me Do It!!

omg I remember that commercial and I ddint have a tv growing up I know it's hard to believe that a person could survive without dukes of hazard Miami vice and gomer pyle but miracles do occur then there were the infomercialllllls
salsalady said:
     omgwtfbbq: I remember that commercial and I ddin.t have a tv growing up I know it"s hard to believe that a per'son could survive without duke's of
     hazard Miami vice and gomer pyle but miracle's do occur then there were the infomerciallllll'z, yo
D3monic said:
The rule is you have to make every recipe in there
I gotcha, mang, looks MASSIVE. All 5 of our local Chinese restaraunts failed inspection over and over again this last year. Did I say 5? Maybe 4, all I know is that the news in Fargo made a huge deal about ALL the Chinese eateries in my little town flunked health stuff.
So it's either Schwans or making my own....
Gotta go with with egg drop.

The general demonic's chicken looked fabulous. That was the second best throwdown we've all competed in for sure.