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smoking your fav bbq sauce?

Do you guys dig on a heavy molasses sauces? I don't. I'm asking because I've tasted a bunch of sauces I thought were heavy on the molasses. They have that bitter taste that molasses has on its own, so it's not incorporated well enough and stands out.

Especially blackstrap molasses. Why would you use this? It barely has any sucrose left in it and is insanely bitter. Maybe people just don't know how to use it.

Liquid smoke
Heavy molasses
My sauce pet peeves
Nope. ixnay on the Olassessmay. I do like a dot of liquid smoke on occasion, in certain marinades.
It has just a little something more than Worchishtreshire sauce or Soy. Molasses? YUK!
Local Honey is my only sweetener. I have made it my life's mission to balance heat and sweet.

I do have a favorite commercial (retail) sauce. Cattleman's. It's pretty awesome for an off the shelf sauce.
I won't ever buy Seet Baby Ray's or god forbid KRAFT. 9 out of 10 times I'll doctor it up for that specific meal,
And in the end, only makes up half of the total BBQ sauce.

And I like sauce on my BBQ. I even own a mop. :D
Do you mean Cattlemen's? I thought it was only available to restaurants. Do you how many restaurants call this their secret sauce? :lol:
Yes, and yes. At best, they might do a fraction of what I do. It is preety damm good right out of the bottle, (for an off the shelf sauce).

You can't get it? Wow. I only buy the 1/2 gallon size. :)
You can buy Cattlemen's by the gallon at the Sam's Clubs here. It is good, but taste too much like most bbq restaurant sauces - probably because it is most bbq restaurant sauces. And Musky, I'm with you on the liquid smoke.
@THP - I can buy cattlemans in CT you must have it in NYC. I have found huge bottles at Costco, BJ's and "normal" size and at Stop and Shop and other small stores IGA's
I always keep some of this on hand for when I don't want to make my own

Please enlighten me. What is wrong with liquid smoke as an ingredient is BBQ sauce?

Because to get smoke flavor you smoke... with wood, for many hours. So when someone comes along and says, you can get the same smoke flavor by just adding a drop of liquid smoke, you can see the controversy. So why would it be in sauce you intend to BBQ with? Well, that's because most consumers aren't going to smoke with it. They will grill, or use it as a condiment on burgers, etc. So if it's in there, it's not really BBQ sauce. It's for a smoky flavor for "other than smoked" foods. And it is no magic ingredient that turns grilled foods into smoked either. It just tastes like... sauce w/liquid smoke.
Makes sense. I guess I don't use it as directed. I would never use it on a burger.
I might try a drop or to in the meat with other seasonings, but I guess I don't see it as "replacing" a flavor or "cheating".
I only use it to make something a little bit richer, and always with other ingredients, one drop at a time.

I don't have a smoker, and as of yet, don't want one. Just another hunk of rusted metal to use twice a year.
Don,t get me wrong, I love smoked food, but I have SL, :)

I should try to up the quantity of my liquid smoke doses, just to try to get to the level you are talking about, out of curiosity.
Thanks for the conversation, this has been interesting to me.