No reason to ever have bonemeal in a potting mix. It takes a LONG time to break down into usable food for the plant.
Ground wood chips? I would NOT use this potting mix at all. The wood will break down and take away nitrogen thats it why there is added N in your mix because who ever made it is planning for the wood to break down. I used to think bark would increase the drainage of a potting mix but after planting one plant in a mix of pine bark/potting mix I could see it help more water with less space for root growth.
I would never use these discount potting mixes, just get ProMix HP, or a potting soil, it would be a matter of a huge harvest or not.
Like LGHT said your grow media should not be looked at like a nutrient source but rather a high porosity anchor for the plant. Then fertilize, either organic or synthetic.
This is more on the right path to a perfect potting mix, ingredients from fox farm soil:
"premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss"
Miracle gro-a simple mix of composted forest material, peatmoss, perlite, timerelease fertilizer, lime. When you use mg potting mix make sure to not get a bag that has been outside a long time, the soil will be black as opposed to when you get the 1-1/4 cuft bag inside the store it is always nice and light.
I would suggest Pro mix if you can get it.