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Your reaction to the hottest thing you have ever eaten?

OK, recall the hottest thing you have ever eaten. What was it? What did you do? Did you feel like you were going to vomit? Did you vomit? This could bring about some interesting stories.

-B. Michael Stewart, Esq.


My first raw Scorp last year that was given to me by pepp3rfreak. It was the hottest few minutes. It subsided quickly and was bearable but the following endorphin rush was amazing. :onfire: :dance:
Dried Scorp BT (have yet to do a fresh one :scared:). Didn't vomit but came damn near close! Violent hiccups for at least 10 mins and paced around like a madman for at least 20. Could feel the thing go down every centimeter of my throat and esophagus and hit my stomach. Surprisingly, I was not left feeling like I had blown a hole in my guts (as has happened once or twice in the past with other superhots), but I sure did get a good dose of something I have never really experienced before.... exit burn! :eek:
I once tried (and somewhat) succeeded making extract.
Well my reaction? half of my body caught on fire, the vapors alone were killing me! then I dared to taste the damn thing... WHOOO... that was HOT. had to soak myself in a cold bath the whole night.
my 7pod brown video was the hottest thing i've ever eaten. the pepper was given to me by judy(pepperlover.com). i wanted to stop the video at around 3 minutes. somehow i made it to 7 and a half minutes. as for the reaction. just watch the vid! the whole reaction is documented there. my throat was in agony for 25 minutes after the video. i'm not sure if the plants were stressed causing them to be hotter than normal but anything that beat out the butch t scorpion is just insane. i'm afraid to eat one again but i will.
I think it had to be the 7 pot possible choc bhut cross Ballzworth grew last year which we called the madballz 7. The pain was so intense for a good 15 minutes and then had the shivers for about 10 minutes after that. Ballzworth and i must have gulped down a litre of milk each. I was more intense than any superhot ive had including the douglah and butch t. Maybe it was just that one pod. I never tried another to find out. Will test again this year to find out :onfire:
carribean red habanero
took a bite chewed it bad idea!!, did it at work i was showing off did i mention bad idea!!

my nose my lips and my diaphragm hurt, i felt like i was having a heart attack that was two years ago never did that again :flamethrower:

it went up my sinus cavity and i almost lost my lunch i was coughing so much, but that was good wasabi :fire:

thanks your friend joe
A piece of Butch T Scorpion at the PNW chile head party last year. It was so hot it made the back of my eyeballs feel like they were on fire. I then put a good portion of that pod on a burger, and had the biggest endorphin rush.... :mouthonfire:
Well, I had a friend over and we were trying the different super hots I had. Fresh Naga's, bhuts, 7-pots etc. Never threw up, but I always got a real harsh shiver, followed by goose bumps all over. Then a few hours later I get a massive gut ache. Not really a gut ache I guess because the pain is about an inch or two below my belly button. The only thing you can do at that point is lay in the fetal position or sit on the can and bite your lower lip.
Well, I have yet to have the fortune (misfortune??) to try any super hots. Sadly, the hottest fresh chile I've eaten are just the orange habs from Walmart. I can't wait till I try a super hot but my green thumb is somewhat learning still. Hopefully by this Autumn I will have some Bhuts grown and I can tell you my reaction. For now I guess the hottest thing I've had would be Ghost pepper hot sauce. I never felt like vometing but man those hiccups! They were so deep I thought I was going to inhale my esophagus!
This is gonna make me look like a total wuzz in comparizon to you others.

The hottest i have eaten(and swallowed) was Bushman's Revenge. A sauce that dont smell that hot but whacks you in the mouth when ingesting it.
I just tried a tiny amound/a few drops a few years ago. It hurt and made me sweat.
Maybe it's not that hot for me now when i have gotten used to Tabasco Habanerosauce.
The first time i really tasted it with a teaspoon was interesting. Was fairly mild in the mouth until i swallowed it. Whacked me in the throat and made me gasp a bit and starting to sweat.
That was bit of a chock to me especially when i didn't have any milk, just water...
Going to try that again soon and see how my tolerance level is now compared to then.
The Tabasco Habanerosauce has about 7000scoville. Pretty mild in your standars but i have to start somewhere.:)
Hottest thing I ever tried? My wife of course.

Ok now she's gone it was actually a Bhut Jolokia, the hottest I had tried was Tabasco sauce and I thought
I was a real man as I splashed it on everything, then one day a mate brought over a fresh Bhut Jolokia, told
me it was the Hottest Chilli in the world, try it, he said, but just a nibble it's super hot, yeah right I said grabbed it off him chucked the whole thing in my mouth and chewed it up, Oh Oh should'nt have done that :fireball: , thought i was gonna die, couldn't breathe properly then tried a drink of milk started coughing violently which made the now nuclear milk come out my nose. AHHHHH my lips, tounge, throat and nasal cavity was melting, I reckon capsicum spray on the nads would hurt less, took me hours to recover and then there was the next morning!!!!! Enough said!
one day a mate brought over a fresh Bhut Jolokia, told
me it was the Hottest Chilli in the world, try it, he said, but just a nibble it's super hot, yeah right I said grabbed it off him chucked the whole thing in my mouth and chewed it up, Oh Oh should'nt have done that

Years back I had a neighbor in Cali who was growing bhuts. I did the dumb macho thing and ate a whole one in front of him. Ain't no thang. Shortly thereafter I excused myself and went back to my apartment, where I turned the shower on and just let it spray in to my mouth for about ten minutes. I'm pretty sure he knew I was going to be in pain.
Yeah just like my mate , laughing his arse off :rofl:

We should get them both together on a boat and sink it.

I managed to get out of that type of situation better than my father, though. Back in the early 80s while living in New Mexico he went to a barber who had a side hobby: trying to grow the hottest strains of chile he could find. One day, Doug (my dad) went in and received a new type of chile. He popped it in his mouth and said it wasn't "that hot."

To this day, he doesn't remember what it was, but as soon as the barber walked off for a moment he washed his mouth out with the blue sterilization liquid that they put used combs in.
Excluding some yucky extract saucies... Definately the dried butchT Neil was kind enough to send me with my first lot of seeds. They sure do get those endorphins a-flowin'!