seeds-germination Yucatan White Habanero Germination?


Has anyone here grown these and did they turn out as white as the picture? Or has anyone grown a variety that produced pods that are as white as these? I LOVE the way these look, but as I understand most "white" peppers are really more of a cream color. I'm bound and determined to grow some white habaneros next year but I really want to grow some that are as close to white as possible rather than an off-white or cream color.
I know I'm a bit late, but here are my Peruvian Whites at various stages of ripening:

They do turn completely white if you wait long enough.
Also, I've had great result in germination Peruvian Whites. probably one of the easiest plants there is.
+1 with Omri,

I've grown both the Yucatan and the Peruvian, both peppers make a wonderful looking sauce,

The Peruvian doesn't grow "ridiculously wild" it stays somewhat compact with nice lateral

branching, the Yucatan grew tall and sparse and needed staking and tieing but produced tons of pods,

Both are very spicy tasting, I continue to grow the Peruvian since it suits my garden plan better,

I haven't had any germinating problems with either...

My original White Bullet mother still puts out pods nice and white like that. Back when I got the seed she grew from, its was simply White Bullet, and it doesn't elongate or have wrinkles in the middle. Can't be sure about Peruvian or Yucatan origin, but it does throw that bright spectrum of white.