• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

YumYumYellow's first try at superhots


First sprouts


First MH light about 2 weeks in... fluorescent worklight just wasn't cutting it anymore



Switched to HPS after 2 weeks since it seemed like very little development



Guess they were just light hungry :)

I just planted them all in the garden yesterday... taking a big risk planting 3 weeks before the frost date buuuut.... oh well, that's 3 weeks less electric!



These Aji Crystal peppers are AWESOME!!! they have a sort of green apple flavor with a nice well rounded, lip stinging heat.

I'll definitely let you know about the bulgarian carrots, the one i got from biscgolf was very hot
They are:
Chocolate Beauties, Anaheim Chilies, Early Jalapenos, Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, Super Red Pimentos, San Luis Anchos, Purple Jalapenos, Cherry Bomb F1 Hybrids, Chipotles, Ring of Fire Cayenne, Cajun Belle, Naga Morich, 7 Pot, Butch T Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Fatalii, Aji limon, aji dulce, and Hot lemon.

What is a chipotle pepper?
Nice pics. I'm growing Aji Cristal for the first time this year too, can't wait to taste them. Are you picking them before they ripen? I read they're tasty this way...

First MH light about 2 weeks in... fluorescent worklight just wasn't cutting it anymore

I don't see a Star on that Helmet?

That's very cool what you did with the 2ltr's. You just pull them out lil by lil as they grow,or do you have a certain time frame you shoot for?

Garden's looking good!!!
Nice pics. I'm growing Aji Cristal for the first time this year too, can't wait to taste them. Are you picking them before they ripen? I read they're tasty this way...

Thanks! Haha, i actually have no idea how to tell if they're ripe, i've been going on how they feel, thickness, & the pungency of how the pods smell on the plant. I did get one that was more ripe than another (based on the time the pod was on the plant) and i did notice more intense heat and less flavor.

I don't see a Star on that Helmet?

That's very cool what you did with the 2ltr's. You just pull them out lil by lil as they grow,or do you have a certain time frame you shoot for?

Garden's looking good!!!
Haha, i won that helmet when i was like 5. I live in DC but have always been indifferent about football since the skins are so mediocre.

The 2ltr's came off when it got to be lows in the 50's... My time frame was get them outside asap because i had trips for work and wouldn't be home to water them and do the lighting(my parents almost killed them all when i asked if they could care for them while i was away) I put my plants out early trying to take advantage of warm weather too and a cold spell came through the week before the frost date. I wasn't going to dig them all back up again so it was a last ditch effort to save them since they were so tiny and fragile and worked like a charm! Have to be very careful though even with temps in the mid 70's... if there isn't much wind they'll act like a magnifying glass and cook your plants. I had to take them off in the daytime then put them back on in the evening.
Thanks! Haha, i actually have no idea how to tell if they're ripe, i've been going on how they feel, thickness, & the pungency of how the pods smell on the plant. I did get one that was more ripe than another (based on the time the pod was on the plant) and i did notice more intense heat and less flavor.

They should ripen red...
that one BS pod actually finished ripening yesterday so i immediately picked it and took it to my cousins house and tried it with some friends... they seemed zoned out it was so hot. I wasn't totally impressed with the flavor, the flavor was more mild than what i was hoping for, but I could be overwatering a little. Everyone ended up either touching their eyes or face, i got the inside of my ear(it felt like it was bleeding) and i rubbed a rib on a friend's arm because he teased us about how bad it burned and said just wash it off. Yeah, right. He promptly wiped it with his other hand and didn't realize he'd contaminated it... priceless intro to superhots. Now they're excited to try more since they got one of the worst out of the way.
Hey guys, been having an incredibly hectic summer this year and haven't had much time to garden, i just went out and picked some peppers and thought it might be time to update pictures.

Today I picked Naga Morich, yellow bhut, hot lemon, fatalii, and a few others:

Here a few pictures of my plants, they're really enjoying the cooler weather!




Mama Datil:

Datil babies:

Cleo's dragon started sprawling when he got planted in the main garden