• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

YYY vs. Plants, Round Two

This year I did a few overwinters and broke open my precious seed stash(seed trains are the coolest thing ever), a few weeks ago. I had some initial trouble with the overwinters; my parents told me it was doomed from the start, that they've never had any luck. Well, 10 of 14 survived and bonus, now I have some geo pots ready to go to make new little monsters I haven't tried.

I planted too many seeds to make sure some plants make it and have been limited in my pepper garden space because it was deemed excessive... go figure :crazy: . I plan on growing around 39 varieties so that limits me to around 1-2 of each

Here are a few pictures to start this year's fight, for the rights to make it to the garden






oh wow... looks like you just helped me figure out what is eating my tomato leaves. the ones causing the large damage are june beetles; they're much larger, about 1/2-3/4" wikipedia "phyllophaga"
only thing i've found that sort of helps is the bug zapper... they're nocturnal and attracted to light. but it may attract more than the original infestation. walking around with a propane torch and a flashlight works too... a little more fun.
Update time! Thought it might be fun to compare to last year's grow to this years'. I had a much later plant out this year, by almost a month due to weather and broken tiller troubles.
Last year, July 5th,a little over two weeks from now:

Today(Beer bottle for reference on the post):

On to the right side! July 5th last year:

Right side as of today(again, beer bottle on the post for reference):

A few shots of the main garden taken today
