Zanahoria Triangulo

Who can tell me something about this pepper? Is it from Ghana? If not where is it from?
Pr0digal_son? Do you grow theses John?
Anyway, this is one of the very best peppers I`ve ever eaten. Truly awesome. You bite in and get a huge Whump of heat, like an explosion. It gets to beyond Habanero hot and really opens your eyes, then fades almost as quickly as it arrived, leaving a prickly heat on your tongue and a tremendous warmth in your mouth. The flavour is chinense, but very cleanly and I thought it tasted more like a Scorpion than a Habanero, maybe a little 7-pot-y too. They are very sweet and very fruity, with an almost apricot-like flavour. I`ve been lucky enough to have eaten a lot of peppers this year and this one would easily come in my top 5, it really is that good.
Pics from last year Nigel,I will try to get some shots of this years when I get time.


Zanahoria Triangulo = Triangular Carrot en espanol. Another great review Nigel. Everytime you post a video, I am forced to add yet another variety to next season's grow list. Thanks!
ms1476 said:
Zanahoria Triangulo = Triangular Carrot en espanol. Another great review Nigel. Everytime you post a video, I am forced to add yet another variety to next season's grow list. Thanks!
He does that to a lot of us, doesn't he?
Very nice Nigel.  Very detailed and thorough.  Sucks to get capsaicin in your eye doesn't it?  I've done that more times than I care to admit :)
compmodder26 said:
Very nice Nigel.  Very detailed and thorough.  Sucks to get capsaicin in your eye doesn't it?  I've done that more times than I care to admit :)
First superhot I ate was a nice big Bhut. I was not prepared for the heat at all, nor the endorphin rush. Then I got it in my eye and went into huge panic mode, thinking about blindness, panic some more, wanting to go to the emergency room, panic some more etc etc etc. I finally washed my eye out with my wife`s makeup remover cream and that worked fairly well. It was a frantic half hour, that`s for sure!
Damn it all to hell.
Many more of these reviews and I'm gonna need to find some acreage.
Only have about 70 spots for peppers, and if I just put 1 of each kind I want, I'll still be short. :banghead: