annuum Zapotec Jalapenos

Educate me here my friend. I dont plan to do this, BUT if i were to keep seed from these Numex Lemon Spice theres no telling what I might end up with right? Plus these were planted beside 2 Farmers Market Jalapeños...
Check out the info on the "Spice" series Jalapeños on the CPI site. You're good. They come from a Early Jalapeño/PermaGreen Bell cross that occurred in 1995. Drifter strains derived from that cross produced the Yellow ("Lemon Spice"), Orange ("Orange Spice"), and light orange ("Pumpkin Spice") colors. Those were isolated, backcrossed to Early Jalapeños to make them more Jalapeño-ish, isolated and single-plant selected to set traits for a few generations, then back-crossed to Earlies one more time before being isolated for final stabilization to create these strains. Twenty years in the making.
Unless yours got cross-pollinated by the nearby Farmers Market Jalapenos, you should be good to go from saved seeds.  There's info on the CPI site, but apparently if i link the site, THP rejects my message.  But there's an in-depth article in pdf form on the site.
ps-I am definitely growing these next year.
Yep, sounds like a safe bet just like Early are a pretty safe bet. Jalas like Biker Billy...well not so much from what ive seen. I think chichimeca is a pretty old hybrid also. Not sure who actually did it.
You can find the lineage and pretty much everything else about the NuMex lemon/orange/pumpkin varieties here, written by Bosland who leads the chile breeding and genetics research program at New Mexico State University. All 3 originated from Early Jalap x F1 Evergreen Bell. NuMex develops these varieties for purposes of commercial agriculture and they're pretty careful about what they do.
CaneDog said:
You can find the lineage and pretty much everything else about the NuMex lemon/orange/pumpkin varieties here, written by Bosland who leads the chile breeding and genetics research program at New Mexico State University. All 3 originated from Early Jalap x F1 Evergreen Bell. NuMex develops these varieties for purposes of commercial agriculture and they're pretty careful about what they do.
Is there an echo in here?
Great minds think alike
Bicycle808 said:
Is there an echo in here?
Great minds think alike
Not sure how I missed you posting this bikeman.
Carry on!   :)
EDIT:  Yeah wow, I missed both your posts somehow.  The article is a good read in and of itself, beyond the specific information about 3 jalaps.
CaneDog said:
Not sure how I missed you posting this bikeman.
Carry on!   :)
EDIT:  Yeah wow, I missed both your posts somehow.  The article is a good read in and of itself, beyond the specific information about 3 jalaps.
Most of those articles are fascinating on some level. I read many of them before I found THP. They really underscore the differences between how a research facility grows versus how hobbyist chileheads grow...
Idaholewis said:
Its funny you mention the Lemon/Orange/Pumpkin Spice, When i ordered my Zapotec seed last year they Threw in some Lemon Spice, i only grew 2 Plants, And I didnt do ANYTHING Special with the Plants, in fact they were Neglected! They were planted directly in the Ground, No Ferts, Water Treatment, etc. Needless to say They didnt do real well, My Zapotecs were my Focus and as you can see they THRIVED! The 2 little Numex Lemon Spice Jalapeño Plants both have Peppers on them, But no more than a Handful at most. The other day I noticed a nice pretty Yellow one, it was time to Test one out That was UNDOUBTEDLY the Best Jalapeño i have EVER eaten in my life!! I love my Zapotecs, But for Flavor that Numex Lemon Spice was INCREDIBLY Good!! I am hoping that the Few Peppers on the Plants will Turn Yellow soon so i can Eat them and see if the 1 and only Pod i have been able to try thus far was a Fluke? If they Ripen to Yellow and taste as good as that 1st and only one did, Numex Lemon Spice will UNDOUBTEDLY Be my Jalapeño FOCUS Next year!!
Glad to hear you liked the Lemon Spice.  I have been ordering seeds for next years grow and in my quest to grow and try out new (to me) peppers I ordered some of the Lemon Spice from CPI along with several more of there named peppers a while back.  
Not even finished this year and already planning for next!  :P
Update on this Comeback, These Zapotecs that i cut off at Ground level and harvested the Pods from, They sprouted back up Out of the Cut Stob, Heck they have even Flowered Strong will to keep going It is REALLY Close to freezing here in Northern Idaho, it surprises me that it hasnt

You can see the Cut Stob this On sprouted up out of here, I guess all Peppers will do this? My Rocotos Did
I just sampled the ripe Zapotec pods i harvested for seed stock FLAMING HOT for a ripe jala!!! I got seeds from 16 pods and i still got more out there on the semi isolated plant. The other plants are crammed in with some Mucho Nacho and i bet that would be a killer cross. Tossed this load in the dehydrator with some mild sweet pods.
Lewis you need to get yours going if you havent already. The green powder was killer. Go to the store and grab some Anaheims to go with them. Deseed everything but it dont need to be perfect. Cut the jalapenos lengthwise into 1/4s so they dry fast. I only cut the Anaheims in half. Dry at 130F until very crispy.
1 Zap pod to 1 Anaheim pod for mild...great white bean seasoning mix pepper base!!
2 to 1 for medium
3 to 1 for "starting to get some zip to it" :D
ShowMeDaSauce said:
I sampled a dried ripe Zapotec. Man what a hot little sucker that was for a jalapeno. Probably as hot as the long cayenne i sampled. Great flavor too.
They are a HOT Jalapeño thats for sure The few that i ate had a Good flavor, I dont remember anything about them I didnt like? I would grow them again without hesitation!

I would have liked to of done more with my Zapotecs, like Canned, pickled, etc. But the DAMN Ear Wig bugs would NOT leave them alone? They were boring in to them, almost every Pod that had turned Red had a Hole Bored in it. They didnt bother Any of the others (Farmers Market, Numex Lemon Spice) Only the Zapotecs? Anyway, i made up my mind to Harvest sooner than later, We decided on making Pepper Jelly, LOTS of it, That is Where ALL of my Zapotecs ended up. We have some BLAZING Pepper Jelly

This is the 1st year i have Noticed Ear Wig Bugs doing this to my Peppers? And odd they Chose the Zapotecs And NOTHING Else?
This is the 1st year i have Noticed Ear Wig Bugs doing this to my Peppers? And odd they Chose the Zapotecs And NOTHING Else?
I have a similar problem when my Chichimeca jalapenos turn red. For me it seems to be a one two punch from the earwigs and rolly poly bugs. They didn't bother the Mucho Nachos or my Honeypeno  or the Biker Billys I had last year.
I lost quite a few pods to something making holes in them this year too. Never found anything inside of them but they all looked like it started from the outside. Whatever it is targeted red pods. They didnt touch anything yellow at all and only a couple greeners or browns. They spared most of my jalapenos but hit the Scorpion pretty good. Figures they would hit the one i liked the most this year the hardest.
So guys, is Zapotec a pepper I aught to grow next season? Keep in mind I've been a Biker Billy supporter for years.
The thing i liked the most is every stinking pod was hot for a jalapeno. Not a single one was on the milder side. They were all virtually identical the entire season.
I just got done with a green powder. Mixed Zaps and Mucho together.....Killer jalapeno powder.