Educate me here my friend. I dont plan to do this, BUT if i were to keep seed from these Numex Lemon Spice theres no telling what I might end up with right? Plus these were planted beside 2 Farmers Market Jalapeños...
Check out the info on the "Spice" series Jalapeños on the CPI site. You're good. They come from a Early Jalapeño/PermaGreen Bell cross that occurred in 1995. Drifter strains derived from that cross produced the Yellow ("Lemon Spice"), Orange ("Orange Spice"), and light orange ("Pumpkin Spice") colors. Those were isolated, backcrossed to Early Jalapeños to make them more Jalapeño-ish, isolated and single-plant selected to set traits for a few generations, then back-crossed to Earlies one more time before being isolated for final stabilization to create these strains. Twenty years in the making.