event Zest Fest 2009

I will be going, and suprisingly my other half is gonna go also. I just got to convince her there is no reason to stay in one of the hotels in downtown.
It would really be better to stay in a hotel on the west side of town IMO...
AlabamaJack said:
It would really be better to stay in a hotel on the west side of town IMO...

Im trying to explain that to her, but she doesn't care since she is not paying. If we were going to be staying for a week or so I could understand, but we are going strictly for Zest Fest, and some drinking on Sat night. Do you have any suggestions for whats on the west side AJ?
I'm making reseravations Friday since I drained the account with one of those impulse buys. And I gotta tell the boss I need off, since we are on call 24/7. And my girlfriend keeps asking if we are going to the Zoo.
cool...looks like a few members will be there...

Intensity Academy...were you there last year?...I don't know whether I met you or not...I met John and Maggie...but really didn't meet anyone else...

wheres the Thurs/Fri night party?

I hope you guys can make it to the White Elephant Saturday night...our band is playing from 9-1...will be a blast...
Will yall be playing the Sat of Zest Fest AJ? If so let me know where that is located at, cuz we are always up for music, as long as I can drink.