• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

zoomzoom Grow Log 2012/2013 Tokyo, Japan

Well was encouraged to start a grow log so here is goes. I started my first set of seeds a week before Halloween. I sewed about 25 of my own habanero plant seeds. Was hoping I would be able to get a few plants from them if anything at all. I started these while I was waiting for other seeds to be received. They germinated very quickly and very well. Out of the 25 I got 22 sprouts that are still alive. I have 2 that are a little puny due to helmet-head.
Last weekend I started some more seeds in jiffy pots and had a few pop through over yesterday and today. So, tonight I transferred two of my habanero cups into their own personal cup and transferred the new seedlings to their own cups as well. I am currently using the windowsill in the bedroom as my grow spot. I keep them in a store bought clear plastic container and stick my light right on top of them. As of right now no major issues have been encountered except for my cats are one of my pumpkin plants I am planting for my kids. Luckily the light was over the box with all my peppers in it.
Well, this is my first glg and I will try and update it with pics and status every few weeks and always up for some constructive criticism as this is my first gig and doing it indoors until the weather gets fairly better which wont be till around March.

**Here are a few pics**
These were the before transplant so everyone had their own home. I still have one left of these but ran out of supplies. So I have to get some more seed soil and cups.

Growing pumpkin for my kids. They told me it couldnt be done :) Have two great possibilities so far. We will see what only time can tell. The habs look a little week after transplanting. Hopefully they will be shot back up in the morning.
Glad you started a Glog. Sounds like you are going to be flush with Habaneros! Don't know if you posted pics yet, or not. I don't see them.
Tokyo, Japan. Wow, i think you're the first from that part of the world in this site.
Cant wait to see your progress.

yeap, cant see your pics as well


This was my Habs before giving them their own homes.


Habs look like they're off to a good start. Last season I used those clear plastic cups to plant out the seedlings. Loved them because you can see the roots forming, and definitely know when it is time to up-pot them by looking at the root ball.

Good luck with your grow, and post lots of pics!
Super busy this week 12-14 hr work days. Finally had a chance to check my jiffy pots and realized that they were lacking some moisture. Still have about 20ish jiffy pots with still no seedlings. Hoping tomorrow will get some after some much needed water. I am really looking forward to some chocolate habanero and bhut plants this season.
seedlings looking good! Are you using artificial lighting?

Using a combination of both natural and artificial light. Have a set up in the window. Japan doesnt have very long days in the winter. Sun usually doesnt start coming up till around 7 and by 1600 it is dark out again. Summers are crazy, the sun is up at 0345ish and doesnt set till close till 2100.

On another note, came home today to find that my wife's cat decided it was hungry for my plants. I never wanted to choke a cat so bad in my life. Between the dog and the cat I cant keep plants around them or the room open without enclosing my plants in nets bird nets to keep them from eating them. Very frustrating! Glad my pepper plants were under the lights so they didnt get to those but my pumpkin plants, not so well. Dont think I will be able to salvage them at all.