Trinidad Scorpion Morouga blend seeds for SASBE

I'll take some.. I'm a bit confused.. is there a difference between morouga and morouga blend? or same pepper?

if he mails me enough Chris ill mail you some.
Sorry!! I posted here and sent a PM.. I guess u are over come with post ...I did send my addy . Did u receive it or do I need to re- pm you.. Thanx Dave Macon GA
hey bro!

im growing some brain strains i got from you and im looking for some of these to comapre it with. if you've got any more to offer, i'd like to give them a go!

keep it green :cool:
hey bro!

im growing some brain strains i got from you and im looking for some of these to comapre it with. if you've got any more to offer, i'd like to give them a go!

keep it green :cool:

You know it man!!
Got plenty left Jim!

PM me and I'll get some out to ya!! :cool:
Hey Kevin, thank you for the offer. I would like to grow a few of these plants along with my strains and see what happens. I will PM you.
Mr Kevin
I have some of the smooth Morouga Pepper, But I don't have any of the rough skinned one's ...Is there enough seeds for me some ..Thanx Dave I will send a PM..
Mopeppa. You don't send him your address. You ask for his and then send him a self addressed stamped bubble envelope.

Hope this helps.
I sent a PM ..So I should here from him soon..Actually I am fixin to leave will not be back until tonight..Thanx again..
I'd like some Stains, I refuse to call them Mouragas cos they gonna leave a sedimentary deposit in my pants. So, if you have Stains left, let me know please. I'm curious about the OP factor.
Haha ! I want to go two directions with this SASBE! :rofl: :rofl:

The new hottest! Meet the No heat Trinidad Perfume!


Everyone who is in on SASBE for TSMB as of now,, will get a pack of these!! :party:

This is a great pepper, no detectable heat, but great Chinense flavor!

