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This clown at work.


Yesterday I asked a guy who works in the produce deaprtment (walmart) if we ever get in any different peppers like habs or something. He tells me that what we have is all that we ever get. Another guy asks which one is the hottest we have. He tells them surranos and I say our japs are usially hotter. SO.. this is when this conversation goes downhill...

Produce guy: "No the Surranos are smaller so they are hotter, thats how chile peppers work, the smaller the hotter...
Me: "Nah man"
Produce guy: "Yea the hottest pepper in the world is only this big (makes tiny hand gesture).
Me: "No the hottest recorded I believe is the *Butch T and they are about this big (hand gesture).
Produce guy: "You talk out of your ass a lot don't you."

You can only guess how pissed off I became. I am at work so I have to keep my cool. So I asked "Would you like for me to bring you one" and he Gestures "No".

What I really meant was... well... i probably shouldn't say here because my streams of profanity are pretty explicit. You all get the picture.

*Yes I know the hottest is trivial.
It's like the quote I saw on the Internet once.... Never argue with an idiot. They'll take you down to their level then beat you with experience
I usually have a dired pod on me in case someone wantsto try. But they are usualyl habaneros so far since those are enough to bring a man to his knees without a drink even if he spits it out. But now that i am growing bhuts im carrying some with me... ANyone who wants to be a tough guy will get a full fair warning and then can try a bit. If they dont admit defeat when the flake touches their tongue they can have a whole pod..
[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I'd buy 5 serranos, go back to where the jackass is, and say, "So...this is the hottest thing you got?"
And then proceed to eat them, in his face (don't eat his face tho).

Then say, "NOW WE FIGHT!!!!!!!"

and if he happens to be bigger than you, you have the bonus of being able to say,
"Using your dumb ass hot pepper logic, I'm smaller, and therefore more powerful!!!"

And then, for good measure, calmly say, "seriously, dude, my girlfriend needs me to buy her a box of tampons, what aisle do you usually get them from?"[/background]
arguing with idiots is like wrestling with a pig in mud...eventually you figure out the pig enjoys it.

Having said that, get ahold of anything hotter than a serrano (fatalii, scorp, red savina, ANYTHING!) and let the guy put up or shut up.
People at work (supermarket) trust my knowledge on chillies now after I went and scoffed down some of the Birdseyes we sell (what they thought were the hottest chillies known to man until I told them otherwise afterward). I'm not sure how that works but their logic was wow, this guy can eat 'em like candy... he must know his shit. They still don't believe me that I felt absolutely no burn whatsoever though...... :lol:
Yesterday I asked a guy who works in the produce deaprtment (walmart) if we ever get in any different peppers like habs or something. He tells me that what we have is all that we ever get. Another guy asks which one is the hottest we have. He tells them surranos and I say our japs are usially hotter. SO.. this is when this conversation goes downhill...

Produce guy: "No the Surranos are smaller so they are hotter, thats how chile peppers work, the smaller the hotter...
Me: "Nah man"
Produce guy: "Yea the hottest pepper in the world is only this big (makes tiny hand gesture).
Me: "No the hottest recorded I believe is the *Butch T and they are about this big (hand gesture).
Produce guy: "You talk out of your ass a lot don't you."

You can only guess how pissed off I became. I am at work so I have to keep my cool. So I asked "Would you like for me to bring you one" and he Gestures "No".

What I really meant was... well... i probably shouldn't say here because my streams of profanity are pretty explicit. You all get the picture.

*Yes I know the hottest is trivial.
One more reason never to set foot in a Walmart. I'll add it to my list.
Guys, guys...the WalMart hate is so strong here. Where else am I going to get japs and avocados in January? Tell me, what kind of a world would it be without japs and avocados? I simply can not live that way.