Coventry RI here

Well I got the bug back in the late 90's when I was out with some buddies getting cocked and they brow beat me into some nuklier wings at outback. The funny thing is my entire life I have had stomach issues (acid indigestion type). I was always told by family that is was a family trait. For instance I had an ulcer at 4 years old. My acidic levels were so bad I drank Mylanta after ever meal, drank milk with every meal and ate Rolaids like they were breath mints. I couldn't even eat tomato sauce without such bad acid indigestion it kept me up all night. So that one night out with the buddies they all wanted to do the nuke wings after doing shots all night and I steadfastly refused. Now I am a former Marine so they were digging me pretty hard on this saying the tough guy is too pussy to try a little wing. I of course told them they can stab me and I could care less (I have more scars than I can count) but I'm not staying up all night just prove I can take some pain! So long story shut I finally capitulated (It had to be the shots!) and those pansies all took one bite and gave up, I ate the rest. To my surprise not only didn't I get the normal drinking heartburn but I didn't get any!!! And none the next day? I was dumbfounded! Ever since then if I get acid indigestion I grab a bottle and chug a few gulps (usually Louisiana hot sauce) and that takes care of the issue in a few minutes.

So anyway I'm usually not this verbose but It was a great night and thought I'd share.

Now for the last 4 years I have been trying to grow peppers and failing miserably. The first couple years all the seedlings just shriveled at the stem fell over and died. I tried different soils but found out this year that watering from the top will cause that. Last year I finally got seedlings into the ground and thought I was good to go and had critters dig them all up! Dammit I think it was the damn neighbors cats, I chased them off with water. This year I was losing 1 plant a night getting dug up and eaten? So I built a fence around used hot pepper and black pepper and still one plant a night. funny thing it was right in a row. So I baited a trap and the damn thing dug under the trap and got the bait. It did this for 2 more nights (I lost about 7 or 8 plants in as many days and 2 baits). It just so happened I was busy and forgot to re-bait the trap (This planning on time hanging the bait in the middle of the trap) and when I went to grab the trap to rebait it there was a damn raccoon in it! Lol the thing got busted in an empty trap. Guess it figured the bait had to be in there somewhere! So anyway I drove t to a hated neighbors place and let it go. Nah just kidding took it deep woods and repatriated it. ;) And then when all seemed right in the world my plants were being chewed up but I couldn't find out b what? I searched for a week and watched most of them die off until I went out in a rainstorm to work on something else and saw slugs on them! So I collected a ton of slugs and flushed them but the damage continued so I did some research. I tried everything I could and none of it worked. Until I setup Beer traps! Boy those slugs must be Irish! :D I drown hoards of them! Finally what was left of my plants were safe. I relocated them to my front yard and here is a picture of the measly dregs that made it through this years battle. But I would call it a success as this is the first of 4 years I got any after starting 64 every year! Unfortunately I have no clue whaT peppers are what as I lost track and they are all mixed up. also they are starting to die now as the weather is getting colder. I am going to start a thread for help on identifying what plants are what and what ones I should try to save for indoors over the winter.

:welcome: From Indy. Check out the forum ads section for the seeds. Alot of generous folk. Anything thing that drowns them selves in beer must be German.
Thanks everyone! here is the thread I started.
:welcome: to THP and Greetings from the Metrolina in North Carolina !
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"The taste is followed by a vicious hot spicy bite"[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :flamethrower:[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :onfire:[/background]
Hi and welcome from western Massachsetts.
The most effective and cheapest thing to use for slugs is also organic... diatomaceous earth is just the ground up shells of little critters that live in freshwater. The shells are made of silicate (glass) and if you pour a wide band around your plants, the slugs and snails will cut themselves up and bleed out Silicate is sand in nature, so it'll just disappear into your soil and no harm done (except to the slugs!) It's harmless to humans and pets like dogs and cats. The only downside is that you have to re-apply it if it rains.
Welcome from Wisconsin Interesting story i am about the same way getting heartburn etc over hardly nothing.
good luck with pepper growing stick around here there is plenty to learn and bye next year you might have a way better harvest.

Welcome from Middletown, RI :welcome:

There is at least one other member here from RI as well ridavid. So now there is three that I know of.
