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Prepare to be AMAZED...

This, right here, is where yo-yoing has evolved in the last decade or so. Me, I like to think of myself as being fairly skilled with a return top (a.k.a. yo-yo). But this kid is on an entirely different level of yo-yoing.

Pretty crazy, huh?
I sent Jerret a note, but small world story - 1st day doing the Farmer's market the market co-mgr starts doing hi-PO yoyo tricks. I said "I know a guy who does that" - he asks who and it turns out he knows your crew - his name's Guy...skinny dude, glasses. I think he's met Jerret at least.

Thought that was a pretty cool coincedence. What're the odds!

Ps RIP Mitch. Dude was a genius.

Wow - pps - that dude in the video is sick - just mind blowing. When I was a kid, if you could "walk the dog" you had skillz. :rofl:
the strings on my yo-yo always seemed to snap when i did the around the world trick, sending it into the upper atmosphere.... I renamed the trick the out of this world.
Thats the first thing i think of when i think of yo-yos...

Don't forget this gem from 40 Year Old Virgin:


I sent Jerret a note, but small world story - 1st day doing the Farmer's market the market co-mgr starts doing hi-PO yoyo tricks. I said "I know a guy who does that" - he asks who and it turns out he knows your crew - his name's Guy...skinny dude, glasses. I think he's met Jerret at least.

Thought that was a pretty cool coincedence. What're the odds!

Yeah, Jerret told me about that. Small world indeed. Guy is one of the most innovative yo-yo players in the world too, IMO. Here's a recent video of his:


Ps RIP Mitch. Dude was a genius.

That he was. He died before he even had the chance to reach his prime.

He's no Tommy Smothers. hah

As great as Tommy Smothers was in his prime, and for everything he did to make the world more in the know about yo-yoing, he still wouldn't be able to shake a stick at the things people are doing nowadays. New school yo-yos are an entirely different beast from the fixed axles he was famous for using. But the man is and will always be a legend to yo-yoing.
Yeah, Jerret told me about that. Small world indeed. Guy is one of the most innovative yo-yo players in the world too, IMO. Here's a recent video of his:

Yep - that's the dude! I watch him every saturday - he sits like 10' away at the market info booth and invariably busts out his yoyo. I guess it's his own design? He's a cool dude.

Thanks for the vid - Interesting style. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all the string action. Amazing.

This, right here, is where yo-yoing has evolved in the last decade or so. Me, I like to think of myself as being fairly skilled with a return top (a.k.a. yo-yo). But this kid is on an entirely different level of yo-yoing.

Pretty crazy, huh?

That kid is insane. You think he would do the super hot yo-yo challenge? :party:
I'm with Scovie, in my yoyo days the string had a new knot every few inches down every time I picked it up. I was lucky to have it come back up....

It's awesome how these days everything that was so nerdy and uncool, is all of the sudden hip and the thing to do. Yoyoing to Dubstep....lol, awesome but kills me at the same time. He does have ridiculous skills.
Totally know what you mean 3/5 - comic books are a great example. I was a nerd for reading comics & every cute girl I dated reminded me of this.

Now hot girls are into comics. Gah!

Feel like I was born too late to enjoy the free love of the 70s & born too early for all the geeky things I was into to be considered cool. Facepalm.