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THP PC builders Unite!!!

Hey all you peeps that like to build PC's, or get your hands dirty with the innards of your computer. I'm posting this thread for you.

Geek out on tech to your heart's content! Super-techno babble???... the more the merrier.

I figured we could use a thread that helps all of us chiliheads with the tech that allows us to access all this great information in the first place.

The reason this thread idea came up? I'm building my first PC from scratch.
I'm not new to getting down and dirty with the guts of my PC. I've done almost everything imaginable, been in almost every position (winky winky)... and I'm amazed that it's taken me this long to start building my own.

I'll give you the long-winded version of my story if y'all ask for it, but for the time being...

Here's my build in progress:
I have a good friend in the IT world who is my go-to guru when I run into computer issues I can't solve on my own. We should all have a friend like that.
He hooked me up with a fantastic link that helped me out: pcpartpicker.com

You can build your PC virtually and find out if there are any incompatibilities. Super helpful... kept me from buying a certain type of RAM.

Anyway, using that site I came up with this system. A mix of parts that I already have or have purchased. (And two in there, the power supply and Barracuda HDD, are subs for gear that wasn't listed.)

No joke. Ordered the parts on Thursday night from Amazon and this showed up this morning at 9:30am.

Gigabyte x-79 and Intel i7 Core 3820
i am curious on why you order 3 copies of window 7.

I was confused there for a second. I didn't order Windows 7 as I already have a legit copy. I only threw that in the mix to check for compatibility. I'll have to update my build list. Thanks for noticing.

The only parts I've had to purchase are the MB, the CPU, the RAM, the case, and the CPU cooler. Everything else is being stripped from my current comp.

Thanks J. The build link should be updated.
Never built one from scratch, but I've done about everything imaginable. Replaced or added hard drives, CD/DVD drives, sound cards, RAM cards, video cards, motherboards, power supplies, fans...

But then I got into actual programming. It's more fun than the hardware side:D

Not to mention a TON more frustrating...
Ahh, had me scratching my head thought maybe i was missing something, As for custom builds, I usally consult wiht my pc friend also one what to get, I know enought to put them togther and fix them in minor jam, but I tend to use laptops more often myself. In fact just got me a new dell and it was bitch to get win 7 on it, I got it running, but not sure if i got the intel quick responce thingy working right, but oh well it runs my CAD promgram jsut prefect so far, I am waiting for autodesk to make updates to there softward for win8 than switching over. From looking at it on the tv i thought i would hate win8, but i really do like it, just my damn autodesk product keep crashing on it and they dont plan on supporting win 8 for a while.

On your case looks very close to the one i have. Its the one desktop that i run as a linux file server for now.
Joshua, kindred spirits... I also deal with a lot of Autodesk applications. Architecture is my thing. Fluent in AutoCAD, Photoshop, SketchUp, FormZ [but threw that out when I was introduced to SketchUp], I can get by in Illustrator, InDesign... you get the picture. I'm NOT building this comp as a gaming platform. It's mainly for running graphic intensive programs. [On a budget... I realize I could have 4 NVidia cards in this thing 4-way SLI, but that is something for later, when it won't cost me $3200+.]

Thanks for the heads up on the Win8 issues.
That GPU was in my budget. $160 for 768 CUDA cores... I'll take it. Anything else I'm interested in is high-end and $800 a pop. I can't do that right now, but I think I've given myself the room to get there.

Remember, I already HAVE a lot of this build. With gift cards, and what not... ~ $400 out of my pocket is not that bad for this upgrade.
well... haswell is comeing out in march. along with it a month or so ahead of the launch will be the 7 series gpu's. id highly recommend saving for one because you are shelling out for nice parts, and bottle necking it with a low end gpu...
plus you are getting an x series mobo that is usually what one gets when he is going for sli if im not mistaken?

i got a 3770 with a 680. id have gotten a 670, but they were like 6 weeks after the 680.
well... haswell is comeing out in march. along with it a month or so ahead of the launch will be the 7 series gpu's. id highly recommend saving for one because you are shelling out for nice parts, and bottle necking it with a low end gpu...
plus you are getting an x series mobo that is usually what one gets when he is going for sli if im not mistaken?

i got a 3770 with a 680. id have gotten a 670, but they were like 6 weeks after the 680.

Yes, intent here is to eventually SLI. Not sure what Haswell is or 7 series. Link? I'm most informed about NVidia cards.

Let's just say the GPU is a pacifier ATM.
haswell is the next generation of intel cpu's. nvidia will release a new gpu the 7 series. around the same time.

fwiw i play at 2560x1440 with a single 680 and still get 60+ fps in almost all games. almost nobody needs an sli setup. take what you wanted to spend on 2 gpu's and get a 780 or 770 or w/e.

also i wiped bih jolokia juice into my eye so im typing with one eye.
Good info QQ. The NVidia GTX 680 is one that I was looking at, but budget constraints... you know how it goes. I've always got my eyes tuned to graphic card news. I'll be lookin' out for what you're talking about... maybe the prices on the older models will drop. I'm all about finding a good deal on older models when new stuff arrives. Good heads-up... and wash your hands more often.
yea, the 680 will be like 400 or lower when the 7 series comes out.
thing is that the flagship 7 series is supposed to be a big beasty badass chip thats going to be like 50% over the 680. it will likely be like 500 bucks, id get that and reap the best bang for your gaming buck.
on the other hand if you play at 1080x1920 or w/e ... lol you are totally wasting that horsepower.
Nice build with tons of storage. I once paid more for 13G drive than you are paying for a 3T... ;) Did you look at the Corsair Hydro coolers?
Haven't pulled the trigger on the cooler yet. Glad you asked. Those things are $60 more than what I'm looking at, but I am looking to overclock... eventually. What's your recommendation?

Nice build with tons of storage. I once paid more for 13G drive than you are paying for a 3T... ;) Did you look at the Corsair Hydro coolers?

haha, I still have a 512MB HDD still in use. Ridiculous, I know, but that's in the works of changing.
SumB~ You're in for a lot of fun.

After purchasing our first computer (gateway) we've built 3 full-on towers from the case up. First one was to replace the Gateway as the all-purpose unit. It's still cruising along.... next one was a gaming 'puter for Hubby maxed out with the vid cards etc. I can't give you all the specifics as that's hubby's thang. The last one, a couple years ago was intended for the 'Kid, so he had a say in what was purchased, graphics, audio, etc. and the 'Kid and Hubby put it all together and got it going.

Using what you can from your existing inventory is a great resource. Looking forward to seeing pics~
SumB~ You're in for a lot of fun.

After purchasing our first computer (gateway) we've built 3 full-on towers from the case up. First one was to replace the Gateway as the all-purpose unit. It's still cruising along.... next one was a gaming 'puter for Hubby maxed out with the vid cards etc. I can't give you all the specifics as that's hubby's thang. The last one, a couple years ago was intended for the 'Kid, so he had a say in what was purchased, graphics, audio, etc. and the 'Kid and Hubby put it all together and got it going.

Using what you can from your existing inventory is a great resource. Looking forward to seeing pics~

Ahhh! Maybe it was your hubby Scovie was talking about the other night. I PM'd Aaron about this thread in confusion. Ha! Tell him to get on here, SL, and post up his knowledge/build/whatever. I'd love to see it.

And a Happy New Year to all!
Haven't pulled the trigger on the cooler yet. Glad you asked. Those things are $60 more than what I'm looking at, but I am looking to overclock... eventually. What's your recommendation?

haha, I still have a 512MB HDD still in use. Ridiculous, I know, but that's in the works of changing.

Watercooling also allows for a quieter computer... got into watercooling myself because of overclocking back in the P2 days. After building many systems Corsair came out with the Hydro 50 and I was sold!!! Been out of the loop of what is what of late... last build was XMas 2 years ago.
Will try and get a pic of that build with a Hydro cooler when home and post it up!

P.S. Anyone else running Windows 8; IE 10 and notice it will not let you press enter to drop down a line???

Edit; Chrome works fine...
Thanks Alphaeon. My guru did mention the Corsair liquid cooling system. He's running a system like that on his machine. I'll debate with him the Pros and Cons. Right now I'm just in hurry up and wait mode. I need the case to install the MB so I can take measurements just to see if that Cooler Master 212+ will even fit. It's a beast. Right now everything is stuck in transit (in Orlando) for the holiday. It could possibly show up tomorrow, but it's scheduled for the 3rd.
