Recent content by arnghosb

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    plant Need help identifying

    Hot wax points up when young and down when ripening. Never grown bananas.
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    plant Need help identifying

    It's either hungarian wax or banana
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    misc Need help identifying

    Could be off pheno. I have a moruga whose first few pods were like this and then it switched to typical moruga pheno
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    plant Do I have Naga Jolokia?

    Looks like some ornamental Thai pepper variety to me based on the shape.
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    plant What could this yellow reaper be?

    Been more than a week, slow growing pod. Doesn't look like a regular annuum pepper but one flower per node and the leaves pretty much look like annuum. Definitely not a reaper I think.
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    plant What could this yellow reaper be?

    Aight, this is confusing so far, one bud per node, but the pod looks like a habenaro in the early stage. It has wrinkles too even though it's quite small.
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    plant What could this yellow reaper be?

    I got this plant from a local Asian store. It was labelled yellow carolina reaper. From the leaf structure, I strongly suspected it wasn't but I got it anyway. It now has it's first blooms and the one flower per node kinda confirms that this is probably not a yellow reaper. Any guesses what this...
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    soil Stunting of leaves after re-potting

    Thanks , ah I spotted something bad. A couple of leaves were infested with Aphids. :( Wondering if the best solution is to isolate the infected plants and snip off the infected leaves. If I wash it down, they'll just climb back up. The internet suggests ladybugs but probably that's be if its...
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    soil Stunting of leaves after re-potting

    My Moruga scorpion has developed some leaf stunting and slightly discolored and disfigured leaves after I re-potted it from a smaller pot. I repotted it a week back. It was doing well in the peat mix. This new soil is Black earth with some tea leaves and compost. Does anyone have an idea if this...
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    Looking to get some authentic seeds/plants to grow some really hot peppers for the first time this season

    Hey, I am Arnab from Toronto and looking to get some authentic seeds to grow some really hot peppers for the first time this season. I started off a little late, in early May. I got couple of scorpions, habenaros, scotch bonnets and reapers. They could all well be thai chillis tho, not sure...