Recent content by Canes1

  1. Canes1

    Please diagnose this ailment

    Not really very knowledgeable on this but you might want to get a bag of quality potting soil( fox farms, promix,etc) and transplant it and see it it perks up. Good luck
  2. Canes1

    shopping Look8ng for good places to buy high quality seeds for hot peppers?

    Semillas La Palma. Great selection prices and results!!!
  3. Canes1

    sun Sunburn on Leaves?

    It's going to be rainy/ sunny rest the week so it won't be that bad the rest of the week. Last year I never had a problem and it was a lot sunny earlier. Live and learn, going to have to go easy on them next time. Thanks for the help
  4. Canes1

    sun Sunburn on Leaves?

    any remedy for this or will it work itself out. The weather isn't going to be that hot this week?
  5. Canes1

    sun Sunburn on Leaves?

    Had my peppers out the last 2 days in the sun and noticed these on some of the leaves, is this from being out in the sun to soon? Thanks
  6. Canes1

    soil Opinions? Kellogs soil

    I think there are a few threads on this that they used "municipal waste" in their products. Do a search on here it might be there or some other users would know
  7. Canes1

    Nutrient Regime - Help Needed!

    I'm a newbie also, I had a problems last year and I used foliage pro and sprayed Epsom salt mixture and after I did my plants took off. I mixed my own soil this year and I have been using foliage pro since the start. I might go with the tomato or garden tone as I bought a bunch of bags when it...
  8. Canes1

    Compost Help

    Hybrid, It was early/mid July I think if not later. It really did not have a chance to cook and it turned cooler earlier and it ended that. It has an earthy smell with a hint of grass. But no rotted eggs or ammonia stench. I am far from knowing what I'm doing,last year was the first I tried...
  9. Canes1

    Compost Help

    I had 2 piles actually that I combined into one yesterday and and will add after I let the lawn grow and cut it.i will start another pile too
  10. Canes1

    Compost Help

    I use just grass and leaves in this pile but I use scraps, coffee grounds and newspaper along with grass and leaves in my tumbler. I just let it go, I was told by an "old timer" if you see it "steam" in the morning you are doing it right. Lol. I was told 2/1 ratio grass to leaves but not sure...
  11. Canes1

    Compost Help

    I mixed it up today and hope it starts going again. I'm new to the compost thing and still trying to figure out the correct green/brown ratio so it"cooks" better
  12. Canes1

    Compost Help

    I started a couple of compost bins pretty late in the season last year and the weather turned colder and I couldn't get to them. They sat all winter and I finally turned them over, I was wondering if they will finish composting on its own or is there anything I can do to get it going again. I...
  13. Canes1

    Tabasco Pepper Dropping Leaves

    It's been under the LEDs since it sprouted. I think it's a combination of a little overwatering and it's lot to small. I transplanted it and will get them in the ground this weekend
  14. Canes1

    Tabasco Pepper Dropping Leaves

    I transplanted it into a bigger pot and will get it in the ground this weekend. And after that see what happens, I didn't plan on growing these in pots but might do one to see. I keep the pesticides and fungicide to minimum unless I have issues. Don't like that around my plants or pets.
  15. Canes1

    Tabasco Pepper Dropping Leaves

    If I top off won't most of the leaves be gone and it will die because it can't photosynthesis? I'm just curious on how much to top off?I never had this before Thanks