Recent content by crenggli

  1. crenggli


    Pm sent
  2. crenggli


    I do I failed last year growing so I thought if you still had some that it would have been easier. :) If you want to I'll sure take them if you don't need them.
  3. crenggli


    Do you still have your plants that need a good home? I'm in Spokane and would love to have them.
  4. crenggli

    SASBE Offer

    If you still have these available I would like. 7 pot red 7 pot savannah x Red bhut Fatalli Thank you very much. Hopefully this season will go better than the last one :(
  5. crenggli

    pimpin' some powder

    Is your first posting up to date? If so do we pay with pay pal?
  6. crenggli


    Thanks either way Joe I appreciate the seeds either way. Hope I do better this year than last. I've had a lot of incite from this site.
  7. crenggli


    Hi Joe I sent you a SASE for the other listings you had for seeds and would be thankful if you could throw in some of these as well if you want of course. Thank you, Chris
  8. crenggli

    JayT's Grow Log 2012

    Have any more pictures? Would be great to see where they're at now.
  9. crenggli

    Smart pot question

    So no real benefit to the larger container? I guess my next question would be would it be better to have 1 plant in a 5 gal pot or multiple plants in a 7 or 10 gal pot? I haven't done any container gardening so bare with me =).
  10. crenggli

    auction SEED AUCTION

    Hi I know that this auction is over but I'm new to this and was wondering if you did this auction type often or if this was just a one time thing?
  11. crenggli

    Smart pot question

    Hello, I was trying to plan out my pepper garden for this season and had seen someone post the smart pots on clearance. So my question was would it be better to plant in multiple 5 gal pots or just buy a few 100 gal pots and but many plants in there. As for room I have lot of space so that is...
  12. crenggli

    Hello. New from Spokane, WA

    Thanks for all the welcomes!
  13. crenggli

    Hello. New from Spokane, WA

    I've been lurking around this forum for a few months now and decided to join so I could hopefully get some help in the upcoming grow season. I tried last year to grow some super hots and was very unsuccessful. I've been reading lots of posts here and hoping that this year will be better.