Recent content by enl422

  1. enl422

    Fresh Orange Hab & Red Hab

    Hello all, hope everyone is doing question is does anyone have a wholesaler that they get fresh peppers from. I find myself making huge batches for my coworkers, friends and family. I am looking to get a better price that I am getting at Whole Foods and similar vendors at times I have...
  2. enl422

    chinense Orange Habaneros

    Hello I am looking for a little help I need to know if anyone know of a website where I can buy orange habs & red Savina habs in bulk. I have our 4th of July family reunion and every year they expect me to make them a bunch.
  3. enl422

    Wholesale Peppers

    sorry forgot the most important part looking for any type of Habaneros also Fatalii and Datil Pepper and if possible Naga Jolokia “Ghost” Pepper, thanking you all in advance.
  4. enl422

    Wholesale Peppers

  5. enl422

    co-packer Co-Packer/ Private Label

    Thank you all for the welcome and the heads up to my post.
  6. enl422

    co-packer Co-Packer/ Private Label

    Hello, I am down in S. Florida and was wondering if anyone knew of a co-packer down this way. I need them to be reliable and trust worthy. I am looking to get my business off the ground and I would greatly appreciate the heads up. Thanking you in advance...Enl422