Recent content by Sauce_Man_E

  1. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    I sprayed h2o2 onto some of the leaves. The brown spots foamed like crazy. I also sprayed it on some of the stems the brownspots there did the same.
  2. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    I seem to have pissed on some indians undiscovered grave. Most of my pepper leaves are covered in brown spots that expand. I at first thought it was the snail damage, but after the snail genocide I tried to treat for nutrient deficiancies. Worm poo, bird poo, and epsome salt. After treatment...
  3. Sauce_Man_E

    MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!

    That's an impressive harvest. I can only imagine the sauce that will be made. The Jonah review was funny. What was your favorite beer there?
  4. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    I got back from DC and what do I see... Snails 1 2 3. I said to myself, oh golly gee! And went on a snail killing spree. Smash smash smash. 1 2 3. When I thought I was done what do I see? Prisoners of war. I can't let that be. So I sent them to hell and laughed with sad glee. So as a lesson...
  5. Sauce_Man_E

    Bishop's Crown?

    It looks like Bishop's Crown, but at least it is an interesting pepper. Imagine what your reaction would have been with a bell pepper.
  6. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    First Red Brain up today. I put it out front where we're working on a flower garden. Marigolds are one of the primary flowers. I got this pepper from Wall-mart labeled as a bell pepper. It's peppers were the size of my pinky nail. I think it's purple beauty. This is another garden...
  7. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    So much for full sun it seems like we got a surprise thunderstorm.
  8. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    Before I completely forget another Ghost showed it's hooks and a wild tepin. No luck so far with Red Brain or the GCN 22795, but its only been 1 and a half weeks. Choc Ghost 4 days old. Choc Ghost 2 days old. As soon as I can see hooks in the peat pots I put them in pots outside. This...
  9. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    My first Chocolate Bhut is showing its hooks today and I got a nice big bag of worm poo in the mail also. I'll take a pic of the Bhut once it is all the way up, but for now enjoy my rendition of my dream pepper.
  10. Sauce_Man_E

    Another first time grower

    That looks about what I predict my Amazon seeds will look like. Not a Bhut.
  11. Sauce_Man_E

    My first Glog 2012

    I started my grow season late and unorganized with mixed up Amazon seeds. I have no way of knowing which plants will be what with the exception of the red hab seeds I planted from a store bought hab. Of course this may not even grow true. So this is my mystery garden. My first bud from...
  12. Sauce_Man_E

    hydroponic Hydroponic Koi Pond

    My dogs dont swim usually. I found out that they will go out of their way to attack my pepper plants. So the koi pond wont work.
  13. Sauce_Man_E

    desserts Spicy Ice Cream

    My first attempt at it yesterday. I simply cut up an orange Hab, and mixed it with strawberry Ice-cream. It had good flavor, but would have gone better with coffee and chocolate instead.
  14. Sauce_Man_E

    Cayennemist's Glog 2012... THE PODS ARE COMING!

    I like your grocery bag idea. I think I'm going to borrow that Idea when I run out of my 5 and 15 gallon pots.
  15. Sauce_Man_E

    hydroponic Hydroponic Koi Pond

    So my current plan is this then. Start some seeds in rockwool. Once the seeds have the second set of true leaves move them to net pots positioned on the waterfall. I shouldn't have to worry about sun burn with the trees growing over it. Time to get materials. Any sugestions for growing mediums?