Recent content by Smoking Gun

  1. S

    A Fishy Winter Grow: Stuff in a Tent

    Fish,  I would try using the heat mat to germinate those GW habaneros, it could make all the difference.  I have had that issue before with seeds and as soon as I turned the heat mat on I got better germination rates.  Sometimes there are just finicky varieties that really need the extra warmth...
  2. S

    A Fishy Winter Grow: Stuff in a Tent

    One of the problems with hydro is that once you see problems they occur quickly and can often take a lot of time to come back.  You could also be over-fertilizing the Kratke ones if you are using the same strength as the larger ones in coco.  If you are over-fertilizing you can actually end up...
  3. S

    A Fishy Winter Grow: Stuff in a Tent

    Hey Fish,  I know I am new here but I caught this thread and thought I could point out a few things, particularly with your Kratke plants.  You are getting some serious yellowing going on and it should be pretty easy to fix.  It doesn't look like you have changed that water since you first put...
  4. S

    Howdy Folks

    Hi all, just stumbled across this forum.  I am a hobbyist hot pepper grower, I currently only have a couple Jamaican Scotch Bonnets going in some rockwool cubes.  I am looking forward to seeing what this forum has to offer.