Recent content by Wulf

  1. Wulf

    🎵 I get knocked down, but I get up again 🎵

    Good news everybody, Planty is finding his groove! Look at that strapping young lad! Full of pith, and vinegar! And he's all outta pith! ...and vinegar! Aside from that, this is kind of the boring phase of gardening. But good news, I haven't managed to kill things yet! But I'm also...
  2. Wulf

    🎵 I get knocked down, but I get up again 🎵

    The star of today's Pepper of the Day segment is: Planty! This plicky little fellow and his never-say-die attitude have inspired billions around the globe with his absolute refusal to actually die! When asked "what is he", his owner shrugged confusedly and wandered away muttering. Here's...
  3. Wulf

    🎵 I get knocked down, but I get up again 🎵

    Not sure if any of you recognize my name, but I'm the guy who insists on growing tropical peppers in a frigid Canadian wasteland. And fails. Over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over. I think summer falls on a Tuesday this year, so I'm wildly optimistic! I had a...
  4. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    As a final-final update to this year's glog, that I feel summarizes things nicely: My black jalapeno plant has died. Not only has it died, but apparently I reused some soil from some tomato seeds I'd given up on, because I now have two vibrant and lush tomato plants growing out of my black...
  5. Wulf

    I guess I live here now.

    I made a glog to celebrate my love of peppers. I planted dozens of seeds. Dozens! And into them I poured all of my love and hopes and dreams and caring. They spat upon my love as they fled this plane of existence, one after the other, choosing death over an existence with me. So I cut open...
  6. Wulf

    Aphids on potato plant indoors, during winter.

    Submitted for consideration: Net them so the ladybugs can't escape, and then release a swarm of starving predators into their midst. Bonus points if you or...
  7. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    What the hell, let's do a closing photo. Behold, my glorious peppers. My wonderful peppers. The peppers, which are the focus of my obsession and literally all that I care about. BEHOLD. SO MANY PEPPERS. Edit: No, not those. Ignore those tomatoes. Stupid tomatoes. On a 100% unrelated...
  8. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll make some time to dig through em soon.
  9. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    I have under a 20% success rate with every pepper I tried this year. I won't go into specifics because it makes me mindbogglingly sad. A while back, I cut open a grocery store tomato and took its seeds. 11 out of 12 from the first batch are growing like bastards, and 4 of 12 from the second...
  10. Wulf

    lighting Are these crappy lights better than nothing?

    My wife has informed me that I'm not supposed to post pictures of our murder-dungeon to the general internet anymore. As if you guys keep your murder-dungeons any more presentable.
  11. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.
  12. Wulf

    lighting Are these crappy lights better than nothing?

    HPS I think. My phone camera doesn't truly capture its brilliance, but there's a non-zero chance that this purple spot in the middle of my vision is now permanent.
  13. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    Eh, his stuff's always grown true for me. Anything's possible, but I don't think I've been going crazy with the moisture and they don't seem overly fuzzy. One of these years I should probably try growing things like a grown-up would do instead of whatever the hell I do.
  14. Wulf

    Another bumper crop of misery and anguish, here's to a productive 2023.

    I'm already getting a decent collection of failures. Usually once they pop out of their seeds they make it long enough to start growing some extra leaves, but these poor little bastards took one look around their new home and have apparently decided to end things. But these two seem to be...