The Hot Pepper

Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
Yeah, they've had a pretty rough time. I only had T8's up until around November or so. And the damn aphids just seem to -love- them. Ugh.
sprinkle some sulfur on the top and bottoms of leaves or get the wettable sulfur and spray them
Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
I have powdered sulfur that I picked up from a pharmacy at one point - would that work? I've been spraying my plants with a water, canola oil and dish soap mix.
ya, i put in pantyhose and bounce it off my hand then I turn the plant over and get the underside. Youre not supposed to use it for 2 weeks after applying any kind of oil though. But I found 1 week to be pretty safe.
Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
I'm not one to fancy pantyhose so I guess I'll have to figure out some other means. lol .. I can understand about waiting after the oil - definitely don't want to burn the leaves.
I went and bought some. Maybe if you have some kind of sifter? The pantyhose is nice because its only the dust that gets through. Coverage is relatively even. And theyre springy so you can work it like a paddleball.
Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
Good point. Does it do a fine job of keeping them away? The spray mix seems to save my plants from them for a few days, but then they seem to spring back in hordes. lol