The Hot Pepper

And was it sneaky of me that when someone shared Dale's Facebook ad on a hot pepper group, saying he wish he could afford it, I made mention of Dale's shenanigans on here, including the same ad he posted last night on here being "the only way" to take advantage of it?
Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
Well I'd say that's just good initiative towards consumer protection, right there :)
I still get a chuckle out of how he stats "free shipping AS ALWAYS", then expects people to cover the shipping costs for replacement boxes
Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
* Unwritten conditions will apply. (this condition is not written despite what you see, but it still applies).
I get a chuckle out of all of it as well and best of all, I don't have to pay shipping and there is NO MOLD ON IT
And funny how despite all the status updates, not a peep from him :)
He would just say somehing absurd and bring more hell down upon himself
And there we go... he finally removed the part on here where the deal was exclusive to THP ;)
*Exclusive may or may not have the same meaning that "exclusive" does in the dictionary.
how is this guy still allowed on thp? his business practice's are worse then a bad case of herpes. and his attitude towards customers and potential customers is absolutely ridiculous.
And apparently, he has his fans on Facebook. A gentleman shared the ad that Super Hots Canada mentioned, and when I posted a "buyer beware" comment and told how Dale screws over customers on here, treating them like crap, etc., only to have the comments deleted and was told not to attack people on there, and to keep it all on this forum. I was mildly amused by that, since it wasn't unexpected as the guy was practically drooling over the "deal" that Dale had posted up on hi...
haha gotta love sheeple, they cant think or act for themselves, got to be told what to think and cant see shit for what it really is. its sad in a way as well. if they could only form an opinion for themselves and see how this guy actually acts towards his customers and other members of thp i bet they would change their tune.
Agreed, magic. Working in IT where I do, I see it all the time, with people so brain-dead technologically. I've literally been screamed at by nurses for telling them to move the 3 feet to another computer while I work on the one that's broken because they'd rather sit on their asses & do nothing than use a different computer.
haha i have seen that, i worked for at&t for a while and you would not believe the amount of people that would call in on their broken phone and ask me to help them fix it, first off, you need to get off your broken cell phone and call from a different phone if you expect to get your cell fixed. and second off. put down the technology and go learn something for feck sakes. people need to stop taking other peoples words for it, and go find out for their self what its all about, or in dale...
Super Hots Canada
Super Hots Canada
I worked for just over two years working as a Customer Service Rep./Technical Router for Microsoft and for years before and after that I worked for a small, rather corrupt, computer shop. One thing I've learned is that customer service applies to -everyone-, whether employees, customers, competition, or anywhere in between. Best to be polite, professional, patient and considerate as best one can in every situation - despite how ignorant the ones on the other end may be. *nod*
i agree. ive had to bite my tongue many times while talking to customers and do what it takes to make a customer happy. customer service is not for some people though, they would be better off staying behind the scene and letting some one else handle the customer relations.
There'll always people who just don't have the temperment to do customer service. That, and it seems you-know-who, changed the ad yet again...
this is true, and all i can do is laugh at you-know-who lol everything he does is comical, and the sad part is i dont know him lol
"It wont show up in your cart, but we WILL ship out 3 FREE boxes upon purchase of ANY 3 SFRB's of "Fresh Peppers" on our website!!" - Most other vendors I know have a coupon that shows on your order... I also love how fresh peppers and T&C are in quotes. I can just picture him doing the quotes in the air with his fingers.
Specifically the one between his index and ring fingers....