The Hot Pepper

Thats crazy talk. I've done 750 riding shotgun and it was grueling. I wish you luck and be safe.
Averaging 60mph, that is about 17 hours of hard driving. Wear Depends.
OCD Chilehead
OCD Chilehead
I've risen a motorcycle 1000 miles in a day. Now that is brutal. A car not as bad. 14-15 hours depending on how often you stop. I try and time it so I'm not in a city at rush hour traffic. That saves time. Be safe. A good nights sleep and leaving early is the only way. It will literally be all day.
OCD Chilehead
OCD Chilehead
Mind you that is ALL Interstate driving. 75 is the speed limit. 80 in Utah. If it's back roads, that will be difficult.
possible, just no fun at all. 10 hrs is my limit
We've driven it, but never solo. Never again.
Hybrid Mode 01
Hybrid Mode 01
It's definitely possible. Playing driving games like chicken or doing a shot every time you see a car or sign will make the drive much more enjoyable.
My max thus far is about ~800 miles. I drive from Chicago-SWFL usually around once a year, but usually have company part of the way at least and my dogs are with me. This drive is Chicago-Denver. Driving to FL I pass all the boring stuff first and the last 8 hrs is excitements and palm trees. Driving to CO I'm worried about what is supposed to be the most boring stretch of road in America, straight across Nebraska. I'm worried 1000 solo will be a bit taxing but flight+bags+rental...
My [new] uncle drives a 100' long semi with two trailers of jet fuel, 600 miles every day. Hammer down! Pic in my thread.