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  • Damn you pacos tacos.. That's all i'm gonna say..
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Posty up in the Tales From the Loo thread.
    I have 3 bathrooms in this house and I hit every single one of them. My poor wife had no safe place to turn to. Bless her heart
    texas blues
    texas blues
    I have the designated BluesShitter. mrs. blues stays away when the crime scene tape goes up down the hallway.
    Anyone ever been washing their car and the hose gets wedged under the tire? And has it pissed you off as much as it pisses me off? Forget all those knots you learned in boy scouts. Just wedge the shit under a tire and you're good to go!
    Any guys out there ever been in public and you get that strange feeling that your junk is hanging out?
    You wouldn't even come close to the inside of the toilet bowl, much less the outside of your zipper
    That's some Freudian shit I remember from college... Tell me about your babysitter..
    My wife saw me spraying aphids on my kale plants with dilute dish soap and assumed it was some kind of chemical pesticide so I started spraying it on my feet and told her it works great on foot fungus too.. I really wish I had a camera handy to capture the mortified look on her face before I told her it was just soap. haha
    I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I grow weed..
    I'm not growing weed. I can legally grow 6 plants if I wanted to but i'm getting inspected by county department of agriculture in a month and I don't want to give them anything to bitch about. I shouldn't even have a seedling room in my house because all my growing needs to be done on the back 1/3rd of the property but everything will be in good order when they come to inspect lol.
    Ring ring says the door...Who's there?

    The whole door blows down and the swat team kills your dog/kick the cat and burn the whole house down under the suspicion of weed growing.
    I've had so many neighbors that did so but I'm just growing peppers and the occassional tomato in full view of anyone walking down the street.
    The thought that mistakes might be made has kept me from investing in grow lights, though.
    What shall I review today? "professor payne indeass's Flamin Flatulance", "Professor Phardtpounders Colon Cleaner" or "Fairhope Favorites Moonshine Aged and Charred hot Sauce (non alcoholic)"? I have a few from Crispee that he wanted me to review too which I will get to also.
    Colon cleaner
    If your last was commercial do the private label or vice versa
    No rush in doing mine... that’s quite a selection lol!
    What source does everyone use for their weather report? I check the weather multiple times a day and it drives me crazy when I wake up to wind twice as strong as what the report said it would be when I checked it before going to bed and all my plants are knocked over in the morning.
    I usually bring the plants in the garage if I know it's going to be windy. For example, the site for the college tells me there's gusts of 39mpg right now. Another site says 7mph for the same location. lol
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Windy is enjoyable, the phone app good too. We quit paying attention to the local guessers, they depend on computer models and wouldn't know a reliable weather report if it fell out of the sky, landed on their face and wiggled. We're supposed to have 16" of snow by now, I'd say we have a half inch. NWS up here isn't a paint contractor's friend either...
    Nothing like an early morning mad dash to pull plants in from an unexpected hail storm.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Oddly, it is warm enough here to put the girls outside but wont for exactly what made you dash. Strange weather.
    First day with a personal trainer.. I need a beer
    texas blues
    texas blues
    You PAID someone to make you abuse your own body? My dear sweet wife does that to me for FREE!
    My wife did her first session too so we're in pain together. Lol
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Stay with it and stay healthy together!
    Just found out the property my house sits on was an Italian POW camp during World War 2. Pretty crazy.
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