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  1. H

    How many oz do you make for new recipe experiments

    I wanted to know how many ounces or woozies worth is good for testing out a recipe. I know it is easier to use a small amount of food/liquids for ease of preperation and cost and grocery shopping, so that could be 16 ounce I am guessing. But does this lead to correct taste if you 2x or 5x or...
  2. H

    bottling Home Hot fill safety

    I read the articles. My take on the hot fill method: If i take my sauce which is boiling, (212ish degrees I assume) and fill it with a spoon and metal funnel (maybe a new turkey baster?), and leave an inch of air and cap and flip into new 5 ounce bottles that I heated in oven to 250 and cooled...
  3. H

    5 gallon or small min copacker? How to get a

    How would I go about getting 5 gallons of sauce made and filled? 5 gallons = 120 5 ounce woozies. 120 is plenty for a first batch to give away or taste test or sell. Everyone I check online only does 50 gallon pots minimum! What other choices do I have? Surely everyone who is just starting...
  4. H

    How to make sauce hotter???

    I just made a nice sauce with pineapples peaches vinegar water and habaneros. For 40 ounces total liquid by volume I used 6 orange habaneros. I thought this would be spicy (comes down to .75 habaneros per 5 oz woozie.) but it really is just a mild-medium sauce. There is some heat at the end...
  5. H

    pH Thinning out sauce without ph change

    I am making a small batch (12-15 ounces) of sauce and wanted to know how to make it thinner and more volumnous without changing ph. Its too thick to strain so I want to add more liquid. Righg now its at 3.5 ph and is a mix of white vinegar and water and fruit and peppers. If I add another 4...
  6. H

    Unknown ph, not to be bottle sauce - refrigerator “shelf life”

    Hi, I was wondering what the refrigerator shelf life is for sauce I experiment with where I do not know the ph, and have no intention of hot packing. For example, if I just try out a recipe or make my own and dont know the ph and have no intention of bottling, how long can I keep it in my...
  7. H

    What kind of salt do you use?

    When a recipe calls for salt, what kind do you use? Does salt add to preservation and ph, or is it just for taste? Thank you
  8. H

    Low ph hab/mango/pineapple/any fruit sauce recipe request

    Does anyone have a good basic hab sauce with a fruit in it? I am looking for a low <4.0 ph so I can hot fill. Only looking to make a few woozies worth. Thanks!
  9. H

    cooking "Cooking" peppers before making sauce - grill boil steam oven

    Hi, Do you "cook" the peppers before putting it in the pot to simmer for 20 min? How do you do it - boil/steam/oven/grill? What temp and how long? Thank you!
  10. H

    First batch - for friends - how much? Easy recipe? Fresh peppers??

    Hello to all!!! I would like to make an easy hot sauce for my first time and try bottling some 5 oz woozies while im at it. So, how much should I make? I want it to be easy, but since Im not going to be making sauce all the time, i want to make enough to try bottling it too. I figure half...